An MoC On A Mission - Q1 House Draw and Other Stories

Day 737, 04:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dear all,

I wrote this article two days ago (and obviously inserted this bit afterwards, ahem) but with all the congress talk and the flood of related articles in the media decided to hold off until the morning after the election to publish, as I worried that newbies in particular had less chance of seeing it with all the commotion going on.

Fortunately, to make up for the delay, it's something of a bumper packed issue. Below is a quick message to new congresspeople, a note and request regarding Q5 hospitals and another house draw for our newest citizens.

I know long articles tend to find people tuning out but I would like to make one appeal - if you own an org please, if you are going to depart early, scroll down to the header 'Ireland's Q5 Hospitals' first. Thank you.

A Message to Congresspeople

As I did in my previous term, and making clear that there is no compulsion whatsoever to do this, I want to remind you about the ISCF, eIreland's communal bank account. The funds in this account, once signficant (and it's already going great guns) will be allocated by the people, not the politicians of Ireland. If they want to help fund hospitals that's where the money will go, if they want to help fund defense systems then there. They might wanna divide it up and give it to noobies, buy weapons for the IDF or help fund a few bumper lottery wins. Whatever the voting public decide will happen.

You can find it here: if you'd like to donate. I know some congresspeople have donated their congress gold in the past, or part thereof, if they could afford to. I'll be doing that with mine come Monday (I've run my money out a little with making a heavy bid for general, so I'm holding it as a buffer in case the games start back up over the weekend, then donate it when I can buy a little at the start of next week).

Q1 House Draw - With Q5 Bread As Runner's Up Prize!

Citizens who are currently at or below level 14.

I have two Q1 houses to give away this week, as well as four Q5 bread. You don't have to compete in any way to be in with a chance of winning them, all you need to do is PM The Irish State Community Fund (link in the section above) and tell me you'd like to participate. The previous 'pick a number' system got complicated when more than one person picked the same number so this time a number will be allocated to you.

The winners will be chosen by random draw on Thursday 3rd December, sometime not long after 6pm GMT. The first two drawn will win the houses with third place recieving the bread, which could be a major boost to your wellness.

Ireland's Q5 Hospitals

As you may or may not know over at Irish State Hospitals ( we have workers diligently toiling away on a Q5 hospital, the first of five they intend to build. I believe this first will go to Cork and Kerry, with the successive ones going to the Northwest, Southeast and so on until all our regions have one (though don't quote me on that as I wasn't involved in the discussion that decided the scheme).

This scheme has been supported by wood from the state wood company but, because of how hard our workers are going over there, they're burning through the wood the company can produce pretty quickly. The idea of funding a 'buffer' of raw materials by the ISCF has been raised and I am entirely willing to submit that idea for voting by you, the general public, if needs be.

But I also had an idea - a lot of us, particularly those who've been around a while, have orgs (which you need to purchase raw materials). Wood as a general rule is cheap - I was able to get Q3 stuff for 1 SEK each. If you have a little spare cash floating and want to do something highly helpful with it please considering buying whatever wood you can afford to (I sent 75 a few days back) the hospital company via the 'Donate Raw Materials' link.

Also, because I promised someone, credit to O Bass for particularly awesome productivity, and for being a large part of the reason I'm asking this.

Fair play to you O Bass!

Quality of wood doesn't matter, it all counts, and if you can transport your org easily you'll find the latest bargains listed here:

And Finally....

Just a quick reminder that voting on the eIrish Community Awards has now closed, and our winners will be announced in the early part of next week. I'm thinking it'll be Tuesday but I'm not certain yet. I'll make sufficient fanfare at the time so you don't miss the results.

In addition - lottery turnout this week has been poor so far. Don't forget to buy your tickets (5 IEP each) by donating to this org, then PMing the org with your choice of numbers from 1-50.

Thanking you all for everything and asking you to vote and shout!