An IRC History of the NA Campaign of WWIII

Day 762, 18:57 Published in USA USA by mjmnum1

-Harrison Richardson has entered the game-
HR: Sweet, I’m playing the US.
-UK has entered the game-
UK: Eternal friendship HR! Let’s be allies.
HR-You seem like a cool guy, ok.
-Canada has entered the game-
HR: Yo Canada, sorry about last time. Didn’t mean to be a team killer.
Canada: It’s cool. I still got your back if you’ve got mine.
-Brolliance has entered the game-
HR: Deal.
-Hungary has entered the game-
-Indonesia has entered the game-
Hungary: Hey Indo, we worked together pretty well the last round, want to keep the team together?
Indo: Sure. Let’s bring the little ones in on it too.
-PEACE has entered the game-
-Russia has entered the game-
-Russia has joined PEACE-
UK: Dude, you are mad loaded. You’ve also got a ton of money.
parter: Handjobs are a growth industry.
-Germany has joined PEACE-
-France has joined PEACE-
France: Germany’s my ally? There’s no way I can lose now!
HR: Fuck. Canada, we’re in deep shit dude.
Canada: We need our own allies. Maybe our old ATLANTIS buddies could help us out.
-EDEN has entered the game-
-UK has joined EDEN-
-Portugal has joined PEACE-
-Indonesia has joined PEACE -
-Spain has joined EDEN-
-Indonesia has joined PEACE -
-Greece has joined EDEN-
-Indonesia has joined PEACE -
-Japan has entered the game-
-Indonesia joined PEACE -
HR: Whoa, what’s going on here?
Japan: Ah so. Yessuh, mistah Indo. Light away. Tank you for hospital.
-Japan has joined PEACE-
Hungary: Oh yeah, UK, remember that thing we talked about, about us wanting to see the Loch Ness Monster?
UK: Oh yeah!
*Scotland has been taken over by Hungary!*
HR: Dude! What the FUCK!
Canada: You backstabbinging motherfucker!
UK: Chill out, it’s just a training war.
PEACE: We’re coming for you, Brolliance.
France: I want in!
Hundronesia: Fine. Go ahead, just don’t retreat.
*Nova Scotia has been taken over by France!*
HR: Dude, chill the fuck out. It’s just a game. Oh, and you suck. Alaska is staying with us.
*Prince Edward Island has been taken over by France!*
Canada: How the fuck are we losing to France?
HR: Their president is letting Hungary run the country so they don’t accidentally hit the retreat button.
Canada: That explains the lack of a smell.
France: Hey UK, I’ve got some regions for you.
UK: Thanks France! BTW, EDEN iz for faggots.
-UK has left EDEN-
-UK has joined PEACE-
Canada: Seriously? You expect those spineless pussies to be able to hold those regions?
HR: Dammit, I can’t block France!
Canada: Oh, fuck.
*Alaska and Washington have been taken over by Russia!*
HR: You do know all caps means you’re yelling, right?
*Manitoba and Prince Edward Island have been taken over by France!*
*The American Midwest has been taken over by Russia!*
HR: This war module blows. We can’t get initiative!
-NK has joined EDEN-
-Switzerland has joined EDEN-
NK: I’ll help! BANZAI!
HR: Banzai is Japanese, but thanks for the help.
HR: That’s…oh, nevermind.
Spain: Me too!
Switzerlan😛 Me three! Neutrality sucks.
parter: They’re blocking us! My hands are getting blisters!
Indonesia: Alright, enough of this sidelines crap.
Portugal: I agree
*American Southwest has been taken over by Indonesia!*
*Georgia has been taken over by Portugal!*
parter: NK, you’re annoying. *throws bag of money at NK*
NK: Ouch!
-NK has left EDEN-
-NK has left the game-
Canada: Bro, I’m pushed to the brink. At least I managed to take Alaska.
HR: It’s cool, Kansas will hold.
parter: *sells car* No, it won’t.
HR: Fuck.
Hungary: Hey England, remember those Canadian regions you were holding for me?
UK: Oh, you mean these? I thought I’d just hold them for you a little longer. I like how they look on me.
Hungary: Now.
UK: *pisses pants* Please don’t hurt me!
*Appalachia has been taken over by Portugal!*
Portugal: Aww, now I’ve got hick all over me.
*Washington, D.C. has been taken over by Portugal!*
HR: One foot out the door, and I lose the capital.
-Harrison Richardson has left the game-
Canada: That’s better than me, I’m down to Quebec with three hostile nations bordering.
-Emerick has joined the game-
Em: Whatup bitches! PEACE is going down. Oh, and I love you Canada.
*Quebec has been taken over by France!*
Canada: Love you too Emer-
-Canada has left the game-
-Mexico has entered the game-
Em: No puedo attackar.
Mexico: Que?
-US and Mexico have signed a non-aggression pact-
Hungary: Hey Switzerland…remember that neutrality thing…
Switzerlan😛 Yeah…what of it?
Hungary: Would have been a good idea.
-Switzerland has left the game-
Emerick: *sings* So ronry, oh, I’m so ronry
Spain: Hey, we’re still around…
France: no, you’re not.
-Spain has left the game-
parter: You’re next, Emerdick.
Emerick: Bring it on, commie.
parter: ok. *sells sister*
*New Jersey has been taken over by Russia!*
Emerick: You PEACE pussies will never attack Fortress Florida.
PEACE: You’re right. It’s way too hard to hold a country without MPPs activated.
Emerick: Umm, ok. Then how about a treaty?
-The Mutual Protection Pact between Portugal and Indonesia has been cancelled-
Indonesia: Wait, that’s not what we…that’s…HAX! YOU HAXMAXXX!
-Canada has entered the game-
-Canada has joined the Brolliance-
Canada: Sorry Em, just had to go get the lube.
-Spain has entered the game-
-Spain has joined EDEN-
France: How the hell did that happen?
Emerick: ROFLCOPTER! Who else wants a treaty?
Portugal: We do! We do! Please don’t invade us!
Emerick: Here’s 500 gold, GET THE FUCK OUT.
-the Confederate States of America have entered the game, again-
Emerick: Indo, you ain’t got shit on my antebellum.
Indo: Fine. But you’re not taking Cali. *Uses bags of gold to build the wall*
Spain: No problem, we’ll just take Andalucia back from you.
Canada: We’ll take Ontario.
France: Indo, we need help! Please!
Wizzie_don: I’m farming as fast as I can!
*Ontario has been liberated from France*
-France has left North America-
Wizzie_don: Dammit, need more multis. Let’s see, all I have to do is-
-Wizzie_don, the Indonesia President, has been banned-
-Wizzie_don has left the game-
*California and Hawaii have been liberated by the eUS*
-Indonesia has left North America-
Emerick: LOL. YOU FOUGHT THE LAW, AND THE LAW WON! *flashing lights seen on Emerick’s webcam*
Emerick: I hereby resign my presidency.
-Emerick has left the game-
-Inmates have entered Emerick-
-Gaius Julius has entered the game-
GJ-Time to kick some Russian Ass.
Canada: Oh, don’t worry about us, GJ, we’ll just keep blocking the most powerful nation in the game.
GJ-Love you, Canada! Brolliance FTW. Time to kick some Russian ass.
*Russia is running like a little bitch*
-Colombia has entered the game-
-Colombia has entered Mexico. Mexico liked it-
Gaius Julius: Another PEACE lackey to trounce. What a pussy way to get around a NAP.
-Gaius Julius has retreated the Southwest-
-Two-clickers have entered the game-
*Two-clickers have retreated New Jersey!*
-Two-clickers have gone back to two-clicking-
parter-Now we have ze initiative
*Russia has taken over the Midwest*
*Russia has taken over Mississippi and Alabama*
parter-And now, to attack your fortress and cripple your nation!
parter-*sells house*
parter-Dammit, have to wait for the sale to go through.
*Russia has pissed away initiative!*
GJ-Lol @ parter.
*Russia has been booted out of the Southeast*
Iran-We’ll help!
*Iran declares war on Canada*
*Iran sits on ass for 24 hours*
Canada- Wait, what? Is this a trick? Fuck it, I’m attacking.
*Canada has liberated NW Territories*
Brolliance- That was the most epic fail I’ve ever seen, but what a battle.
parter-My house sale has finally gone through! Now we’re ready for FL…wait, what the hell is going on?
*Russia has been booted out of NA!
*Colombia has been booted out of NA!
GJ-Bwahahahaha! EDEN FTW! Now for Operation Hungary Hungary Hippo…