An Invitation to Discuss.

Day 718, 12:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by AGW and Co

I think I can say for most of us that Travis' return yesterday came as quite a shock. There was mixed feelings and to say there isn't anymore would be lying. Some AGW members jumped on the Travis bandwagon immediately, which is quite a problem. Now I am not talking about people who understand Travis' opinions and plans and still support him, no I am talking about the -for lack of a better word- mindless drones who support everything Travis does with no basis whatsoever. This will inflate our party's numbers like a balloon being filled up by an industrial sized fan, and will upset our party's balance. While I have no doubt in my mind that Travis is here to help although in what way and how I am not sure, We need to talk to him and discuss what he wants, what we want, and what the members need. Travis is a reasonable fellow, and his charisma can be used for good, but we need to talk to him about it. So Travis, We hope you are understanding and can work with us rather than push us aside.

-Matt Beta, Editor in Chief