An Introduction

Day 465, 10:34 Published in USA USA by StygianSteel

Welcome to my first venture into the world of eJournalism. I can't say I fully know what I intend to do with this paper as yet, but my first consideration had to be the name. What's in a name you ask? A rose by any other name and all that... Well I wanted something that would represent this paper and myself.

To explain the name I first need to explain myself. Label me somewhere between a metalhead and a hippie or an environmentally minded headbanger. The name needed to reflect the two things I think this paper should represent and to that end I looked to the band Trouble with their song Hear The Earth. Certainly represents two things I think people should listen to 😉

Give the song a listen here -
The link feature doesn't seem to want to work but I guess I still have some learning to do in writing these things.

My second consideration went to the avatar of course and that too had to represent me and this paper. For that I thought of Jacek Yerka whom I was introduced to via the cover artwork of symphonic rock/metal goddess Lana Lane. He so often presents a surrealistic but beautiful look into nature and man's creations.

View the full artwork here -

There you have it folks... Hear The Earth. I leave you with some other suggested listening for the green metalhead 🙂

Nevermore - Matricide -
Annihilator - Stonewall -
Running Wild - White Buffalo -
Ozzy - Mother Earth -
Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass -
With Temptation - Mother Earth -