An Interview with Tommy Tommasino

Day 497, 14:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by MDU Press Office

Tommy Tommasino as you may know is the Movement for Democratic Unity’s candidate for the Prime Ministerial elections. He is one of the most dedicated and influential politicians in eUk politics. In the following interview I have questioned him on his plans for the eUk and his qualities for the Prime Ministership.

First thank you for agreeing to this interview in the busy schedule I know you have

The first question I would like to ask is what qualities do you feel you would bring to the PM’s position?
Some 'tions'. Organization, Dedication, Motivation & Innovation. I also have an in-depth knowledge of not only our own political system, but the workings of erepublik. This may sound basic, but you really need a Prime Minister who knows exactly whats what - exactly how changes he makes will affect the system (e.g tax changes etc). Someone who will be confident in his decision making. I am this person.

Now the greatest issue facing any PM candidate is the economic question, JerryGFL has done a good job in building up the UKs gold reserves. How do you intend to keep the balance up? And is there anything in particular you plan to spend the gold on?
I've done a great deal of research into the economic plan I proposed which you can find here: ... 6703/1/all
It involves a longer term plan. Encouraging spending by lowering VAT, and a fair deal for business' with a drop in income tax to a sustainable level which I have projected to be between 15-18% depending on spending, which could change depending on situation (war etc). This will give us a stable bank balance. Anything particular I plan to spend the Gold on? Well I want to give our military the support they need and deserve. But I'm not going to be making ridiculous promises I can't keep either. You'll have to wait for the Foreign Affairs Manifesto.

One of the big economic problems is the NHS, your plans of reviews on spending seem reasonable but what do you see in the long term for the NHS?
Longer term I do hope the reduced service will work (what we're currently running). Its something very specific and cultural about eUK - it would be a great shame if it went under, its part of what makes us 'eBritish'. This said, there must be a cost/benefit analysis. I'm confident however that we can get the NHS cost to below 10k GBP a month (a lot less than previously). Currently we're on 12-13k a month, but thats only due to some initial costs of getting it running again (wellness had slipped quite a lot)

Now to foreign affairs, recently some improvement has been seen in ATLANTIS but a lot more needs to be done. What plans and reform do you have in mind for this alliance in relation to eUK interests?
Well I've always been outspoken on Atlantis reform, but I'm really pleased to say that something I proposed a few months ago - a public forums for Atlantis - has today come to fruition! I'm already pleased with the job Shadow is doing at the head of Atlantis (as far as I can see it anyway, there's always behind-scenes activity of course). It would be a lie to say everything's peachy at the moment of course. I want to consolidate eUKs position in the alliance and hopefully, with our bank balance more stable we'll be able to take a more active role in the alliance.

Also the ESA seems to be falling apart already. But I would like to ask what relations and action you will seek with our European neighbours? Such as Germanys trouble with Hungary and the old enemy France.
ESA is dead and buried indeed. As young fledglings in Atlantis we need to do our best to nurture Germany, and become close friends with them. Many in their country are still opposed to having joined the alliance so we really need to win these citizens over, and prove to them that eUK friendship is a friendship worth having - through Atlantis. In terms of France, there needs to be a mutual respect, but lets remember there's so many new citizens since the last war between our two nations that many won't even remember it! Again I say we need to consolidate our position in Atlantis, help strengthen the alliance and this is the key to a sound standing in the New World currently.

Finally is there anything you would like to say to the nation?
To ignore party's come the 5th April and really vote based on candidate and manifesto. Of course I'm going to say this since I'm from a smaller party - but I really have a great deal of self belief that I am the best candidate for the coming month. I hope I manage to convey this to people in my various interviews, manifestos and through general campaigning - and if they too believe this, hopefully they will vote for me. I would also like to finally pay tribute to Dishmcds & CV James. People might think Dish is a strange choice for me, since we argued a lot in the past, but he's been a political inspiration. Without those two I wouldn't be as interested and involved in eUK politics as I am today perhaps - which is a lot. So thankyou to both of them.

Thank you and Good luck

No, thankyou, and thank the voters who vote for me come the 5th!

Robalbinio, Director of Membership and Publicity for the MDU