An Interview with the President!

Day 1,508, 17:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by cooldude97
Q. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
A. Well, in-game, I am His Holiness, Monsieur Baguette, God of Gods.... or you can just call me Monsie. In real life, I am a 15-year-old highschool student. I am also a Vietnamese-American.

Q. When did you start playing, and why?
A. I started playing less than 10 months ago because I am very interested in foreign affairs and politics. After playing for a while, I found it very entertaining to have a game where you can meet so many new people, and at the same time, work toward a common goal to make your country fulfill as much as it possibly can.

Q. Why did you decide to try to become President?
A. I decided to try and become President because as you know, I have already served Minister of Foreign Affairs for 3 months. I have a lot of ideas on how to reform Switzerland, and even though I know a President cannot make decisions on his own, I wanted to offer the people of Switzerland my services. Being President is very time-consuming, and in many cases, like my presidency in Belgium, it was burning hell. And yet, as a loyal Swiss citizen, I wanted to make sure that our nation could survive and thrive, even under such a hostile environment at the moment, and that is why I wanted to try and lead Switzerland toward a better future.

Q. Where do you see Switzerland in a year from now?
A. Hmmm... that is a very good question. Well, if I am able to reform Switzerland, I hope that I will be able to create a strong military, economy, immigration, and foreign policy foundation so that whoever is to succeed me as President will be able to easily slide in the new structure. If all goes well, I am sure that Switzerland will be able to draw in many new citizens, and be able to finally have some long-lasting independence.

Q. If you could change one thing about eRepublik, what would it be?
A. Definitely the administration needs some change... as of now, most tickets are replied with copy and pasted answers which do not serve any purpose at all. In addition, multis are able to easily run rampant without being noticed, and this is a big problem for small countries such as Switzerland, where PTO threats are quite possible.

Q. Last thing; Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
A. I'm here for fun, and if you get to know me, you'll see that I am all about having a good time on here, because after all, this IS a game, and we should treat it like one. Some people are too serious in my opinion, and that is what will make them stressed out and unable to enjoy the game.

Q. Thank you for the interview.
A. No problem, it was my pleasure! Hail Baguettes! \o/

Hail Baguettes \o/

Ministor of Interior Affairs