An Interview With...Steve Steinbeck

Day 819, 03:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

Good morning everybody! (Or afternoon/evening/night, if that be the case)

Today we introduce a brand new segment to the Greyhound Times title😛 'An Interview With...". This will always be the highlight of that edition, but will not be featured as often as the 'On...' segment.

Today we interview Steve Steinbeck. First - a little history. As you may remember from an earlier article, the UKRP was going through some turbulence after the last Congressional result. In the midst of all this, Steve Steinbeck emerged as one of the figures for steadying the party again. It was my intention to interview him on this basis alone, however, when he ran for Party Presidency, I decided to wait until after the election so as to base my questions on the result. I informed Steve of my intentions and he very graciously agreed to the interview. This morning, Steve won and thus, today we have an awesome little interview with Party President himself. Read on!

1) Let me start off by taking you back. Back to when you first joined the United Kingdom Reform Party. Why? What was your motivation?

When I first joined eRepublik one of the first things I did was check out the list of parties, and it was the UKRP that initially caught my eye. It had a lot of members, and seemed to be respected. As a newbie I was helped by Raziel to get on my feet, and as soon as I reached Level 7 I joined UKRP.

2) January/February was a trying month for the party, during which you were given new responsibilities and eventually elevated to Vice President. How did you feel as all this was happening?

It's always a great feeling to know you're helping out the party, especially when there are lots of events to distract you happening in the greater UK community. When you do help out, you realise the party is such an eager bunch willing to assist you, so it's really satisfying to know that everybody else, not just me, is itching to work for the good of the party.

3) And now, you've just been elected President of the United Kingdom Reform Party. What are your initial thoughts?

Initial thoughts? Hell yeah baby, moustache power.

4) What do you think distinguished you from the other three candidates, especially Goku Jones, as the other two are not so well known on the forums?

I actually get on with other people, including people in other parties. Goku always tends to get wound up and picks unnecessary arguments. Don't get me wrong, Goku can be an alright guy if you sit down and have a decent conversation with him, but generally I would say I'm just a nicer guy 🙂

5) Finally...Congressman...Party Country President on the horizon somewhere?

Lulz 🙂 I don't know, maybe in about a year's time? 😉 I'd certainly like to give Prime Minister a shot some day in the future, but right now the thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

Once again, I'd like to thank Steve Steinbeck for granting this paper an interview, and for the good humour in his answers. And of course, congratulations on the election!

February 2010 Congress - Decleration of Intent

As I have already mentioned on the party forums, I am submitting my name for consideration as one of the United Kingdom Reform Party's nominees to Congress. I will not be submitting my name on the party page yet as it is unclear, given the present situation, how many regions we will have when the election arrives.

I will be submitting a manifesto in a few days (when the future is clearer) both for the general consideration of voters, as well as the consideration of the party and the party President in naming me one of the party's official candidates.

Did You Know?

In this segment, we provide you with completely made up facts in the hopes that an internet cult will gather to support them!

Did You Know...every breath you take is filled with bee Sting...s.

See what I did there? 🙂

Dorian Greyhound
Press Director.