An Interview with LordJustice

Day 524, 14:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters
The men and women behind the oldest party in the eUK

Who are the faceless people running the UKRP, the oldest and largest party in the United Kingdom? Manifestos are published, promises made, achievements listed - yet very little we know about the great figures themselves. This time, instead choosing a man pulling the strings, we chose someone from the trenches: LordJustice, a UKRP congressman who was just recently elected into office for the second time.

LordJustice, a proud UKRP member. LordJustice was just re-elected in the West Midlands and he fills the role of the Party Whip within the UK Reform Party. In real life, LordJustice is an American by birth but he moved to the UK to do post-graduate work at Birmingham University. After graduating LordJustice landed a job as a lawyer in London. Currently he is spending six months working in the Vienna office of the firm.

So, to the game-side, how would you describe your political alignment? What is your role in the UK Reform Party?

- I am committed to the UKRP and I really think we are in a position to expand or influence in the UK and accomplish greater reform. I took on the job as Whip because a strong UKRP HoC delegation is necessary to getting our ideas transformed into law. It is also where our newer members tend to get involved so it is a vital part of the party.

Regarding the accusations of inactivity in the UKRP, what would you say about that?

- As for the charge of inactivity, I think I rebutted that one quite well. As I told Sarah [Maren], I never missed a vote in game or in the forums and I did contribute to discussions when I felt I had something to add. As I have said, I am not going to post a comment simply to drive my post count up and make it look like I am active. I will post when I have substantive additions. Recently, I have been posting quite a bit. The recent Czech incident and calls for government reform require a great deal of discussion and I have been heavily involved. Furthermore, I think that my fellow party members know that I am very active in the internal workings of the party.

As I already asked certacito, how would you describe the reforms that took place in the UK Reform? What belongs to your role as a Party Whip?

- I would describe the recent reform of the party as a part of the continuing evolution of UKRP. This party didn't get to be the largest by sitting around and doing nothing. When change was needed, the party sprung into action and made the necessary changes. This was another example. When MAV disappeared, the members came together and pressed forward on the new party structure that had been discussed during the campaign for PP. The seamless transition and increased activity shows just how successful the change was.

My role as Whip is to basically be the HoC liaison. I make sure our candidates get access to forums and get help on manifestos during the elections and that their inquiries are answered. I also make sure that they are aware of major votes in the Commons and act as a resource for all matters HoC.

As a newly elected congressman, what would you like to achieve during your term? What would you like the UKRP achieve?

- This term I am definitely going to push for health care reform. I think it is the right time. Wellness Fast is not a complete program and we need a domestic solution. My recent activity has been government reform. I am trying to make sure that good proposals for needed reform don't get lost in the collective fury over recent events.

Free word?

- I enjoy working for the betterment of the UKRP. do feel it is the best party and that we can do a lot. I would love to see the admins tweak the game a bit but I think everyone would like that. Until then, I will continue to do what I can to see that the UKRP remains successful.

Thank you. This was the third interview in our series. If you want to meet these people, please visit the UK forums at where all politics and party matters are handled. Tomorrow you will hear the views of the assisting party president, Stefan Dorunga, who was also elected in the congress just recently. More interviews are due, if you don't want to miss them, please subscribe to keep in touch with all party related matters.