An Interview with IndieKid

Day 538, 06:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters
The men and women behind the oldest party in the eUK

Who are the faceless people running the UKRP, the oldest and largest party in the United Kingdom? Manifestos are published, promises made, achievements listed - yet very little we know about the great figures themselves. This is the penultimate interview, which gives you the chance to hear what IndieKid, a rather new addition to the UKRP has to say.

IndieKid - a five-time congressman and an active contributor in the UK forums. IndieKid became interested in politics as soon as he began playing eRepublik. He joined the UK Reform Party and ran for congress for the first time in the December elections of 2008. Because of the state of the UKRP at the time, he didn't feel it was for him and decided to join MDU. He participated in politics as congressman in the ranks of MDU for January and left for India on February. He served a term as congressman in India and then came back to UK - joining the UK Reform Party again and now, once more he's a congressman in the UK.

IndieKid, you are a regular poster in the UK forums and though you post a lot, very little is known about you yourself. Would you like to tell us in your own words what drove you to eRepublik, does it correlate to your real life in any way?

- Funnily enough my friend started playing it, and he told me about it. I was instantly drawn to it, and remain playing long after he quit. I wouldn't say it correlates to my real life because I am only in school, but I have learn a lot about politics from many people and have decided I want to be more politically active in the future and help my local MP's. The only difference is, IRL I am left wing, but I don't see the point of it on here.

Seeing as you left the UK Reform Party after December 2008 and joined the MDU because of apparent inactivity within the UKRP, what made you come back to UKRP this month?

- I think that I was returning to the country after so long (one term in India and another in the Philippines) and things seemed to have changed. I was still very active on the forums, but it just felt like it wasn't right for me, it just seemed to be a few key people holding it together, and many started to leave. (Me, Ryan, thehorseltd, oexis) and I felt the UKRP, which had a surge of new activity and new players joining.

Now that some time has passed from the PP elections of April, do you feel the hype about UKRP is still justified?

- It depends what you mean by hype. The event certainly put the UKRP party in the spotlight and drove our activity levels up the wall as members gathered to, above all else, moan 😃 We have built up since then and as a party have provided a strong face against the rest of the eUK as the leading party in our eNation.

As the presidential elections are now over, do you think the UKRP deserved to win?

- Definitely. As a party we have shown over the months that we are capable and have the talent needed to build up this nation to it's best. Our CP candidate is brilliant, Sara really deserves the job having done a fantastic job in foreign affairs the past two months and will do us proud as our leader.

Yet again thank you for this opportunity. Next we'll give a say to our newly elected Prime Minister, SaraDroz. Till then, sayonara!