An Interview with Claire Littleton, the President of Libertarian Party

Day 590, 07:20 Published in USA Iran by Arvinje

Claire Littleton is the President of Libertarian Party ( ) and so far the only party president to respond and answer the questions sent to them after agreeing to do an interview so here is what I asked and what he had to say:
1. Do you have any political activity before you win party president election?

- Yes, before Party Presidency, I was a 3 term Congresswoman from Montana (first term) and New Jersey (3 terms including this current one). I was also the Deputy Speaker of the House for Congress for 3 terms. Lastly, I was the White House Press Secretary for Scrabman's 2nd Term in office. I've been busy.

2. There is few days to presidency election & your party supports Emerick? Does he have enough political experience to run for presidency seat?

- Emerick is maybe the candidate with the most experience in the game. He has been around since eRep Beta and has been a Congressman (a few times), Party President (a few times), several other Government positions and lastly a man of the people. When it comes to experience, Emerick easily beats out Harrison Richardson.

3. How much chance does he have to win presidency election?

- Emerick's chances are actually pretty good. The USWP is a tough party to beat their candidate, but that is only because of the huge numbers. However, Harrison is rather new to the scene, so the eUS people may choose the more seasoned candidate. It is a tough call, but I wish them both luck.

4. your party political orientation is Center-Right, Libertarian but USWP orientation is Center-Left, Libertarian, it means your party orientation is against USWP, What's your policies against them?

- The Libertarian Party has no "party policies against the USWP." In fact, the Libertarian Party, along with the other top 10 Parties of the eUS have been working together for a common goal; The betterment of the country. I also feel that in most cases, left/right/center in this game is often meaningless. We don't have the social issues in the game to really be left or right leaning.

5. What's your party policies for wining presidency election?

- Our policies for winning a presidential election are simple: Play fair. We don't aim for negative attack campaigns and we don't advocate unnecessary bickering between candidates. This has been strengthened since the Libertarians have joined the Jedi Council. The JC is an inter-party peace-keeping organization, more or less. It's used to deter dirty politics.

6. Libertarian party has 10% of U.S Congress, Do you want to increase it? Do you plan for it?

- I would like to increase it, of course! However, the Libertarians do not believe in a majority rule of Congress. This means that no party should hold more than 24 seats of the congress. That belief extends to our own party.

7. How many times you win party president seat?

- I have won Party Presidency once. This is my first official term, however, HeadmistressTalia (the PP before me) had given me control of the party half way through her final term. So, I've been Party President for about 1.5 terms.

8. Why do you decided to run for congress in eUSA?

I decided to run for Congress before I even know what Congress was all about. I won my first election within a month of playing the game. Honestly, I still don't know why or how I beat the incumbent, but I did (and we are still friends). I quickly got into the groove of Congress and started applying myself. I enjoy being a Congressman because we get to figure out ways to better the eUS. Currently, we are really figuring out new ways to for the eUS to take part of the global scene.

9. Do you want to run for president in eUSA?

Good question. I still ask myself that often. I honestly don't know. It is a lot of thankless work. After having just won Party President and working through my first election, I am tired. PP is a rough job, so I can only imagine how much harder Country President would be. This is something you should ask me again in a month, who knows where I will stand at that time!

10. Did you travel to other eCountries?

I have not! I never had enough money to travel in the first month of being here. I then won Congress and have continued to be in congress, so I can't leave the country without resigning from my office. So, unfortunately, no... I never have. I do plan on it once I am done with politics. I want to travel the world and write papers all over the place. I am quite excited for that.

11. What's your favorite thing about erepublik?

My favorite thing about eRep is the interaction with really smart people. I can't get over how incredibly smart the majority of people are who play this game. We are all nerds, in our own right, and I like that. I love the IRC chats, the wonderful sense of humor that everyone has, the passion some people put into this game... it's fantastic. I love seeing people apply real life knowledge to the game and I love to see people working together for a more idealistic eUS. It often makes me forget the troubles of real life and that is always a good thing! I also love conducting interviews and being interviewed (wink, wink). One thing I do love is writing in my paper, but being so busy with other stuff has prevented me from doing so. I keep telling myself to get more active in writing again... it will happen, eventually.
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