An Interview with Certacito

Day 523, 15:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters
The men and women behind the oldest party in the eUK

Who are the faceless people running the UKRP, the oldest and largest party in the United Kingdom? Manifestos are published, promises made, achievements listed - yet very little we know about the great figures themselves. One person who matches these criteria almost 100% is the current official party president of the United Kingdom Reform Party - certacito. This is an interview of the longest serving congressman in the New World.

Certacito, a long-time congressman, trusted member of community and the newest party president of the United Kingdom Reform Party. During his life in the eRepublik, certacito has seen the world take shape, empires rise and fall, political figures rise to power and fade in darkness. Yet, amongst all the events and changes, certacito has always remained and steered the UK with steady hands. On 15th April certacito was selected as the official party president of the UK Reform Party. Although he is an old and active member of the community, he remains a mystery to many.

The most important aspect of a leader is that he must be trustworthy. Trust arises from knowledge of person and motives that drive one forward, so first of all, can you tell us something about yourself. What drove you to eRepublik? Is it somehow related to real life, are there any connections between them?

About myself? I have first degree in Electronic Engineering (QMC, University of London) and a MSc of Design of Info Systems. I served 20 years as a Regular Officer in the British Army, nowadays I'm a Director in a Telecommunications Company responsible for producing innovative new technologies. In addition to work commitments I have a wife and family who demand large lumps of my time. Consequently the amount of time that I have available to dedicate to ‘playing’ is considerably constrained!

I joined Erepublik on Day 13 of the New World after watching an article about it on Mobuzz.Tv
( and )
after I was interviewed on the same show
( )

Why did you join the UK Reform?

The UKRP was the second party I joined. I was impressed by the businesslike nature of the team. In particular I have to blame Kaleb for convincing me that I should stand for Congress, without his kick I may not have made the leap into the heady world of eUK Party Politics!

What do you think makes the UK Reform so successful in terms of members and achievements?

The UKRP is a party that gets things done. If you look back through the history of our country, most of the actions seem to have big lumps of UKRP involvement. The UKRP has also been extremely active on the international scene – this is essential as we need to function on a Global stage in order to be successful.

How would you summarise the latest events and reforms that took place in the UK Reform?

Change and bringing on new talent is absolutely essential for the survival of any Erepublik Political Party. Unlike RL, where changes can take weeks or years, 8 hours in Erepublik can completely change the economic and political layout in country.

The sudden appearance of unknown candidate Marcus Antonius Varias in the UKRP PP elections earlier this month certainly shook things up. After running an extremely energetic and convincing campaign he romped home in the elections to cries of disbelief from the old UKRP establishment. Then, following his election he appeared to mysteriously disappear from view amongst a range of allegations (all seemingly unproven). I was somewhat surprised last Sunday night to find that he had (true to form) mysteriously ‘resigned’ from office – and that I, in my capacity as most senior member of the UKRP, had been appointed PP!

The effect that MAV has had upon the UKRP has been truly astonishing. The ‘MAV Affair’ would appear to have breathed new life into the party, which is now setting forth towards the oncoming elections with an energy that is nothing short of amazing!

From a personal perspective, I have had to shelve plans for my Erepublik ‘retirement’ in order to deal with the huge pile of ‘stuff’ that needs to be done in order to get the UKRP through with honour! I do not intend to stand for re-election as PP, rather I would like to hand over to the ‘new team’ of Sara, Arthur, Stefan, Avec, LordJustice, Ryan, IndieKid and the others.

UKRP being the largest party in the UK, do you think it is easy for a new member to get his/her voice heard? How would you describe the community within the UK Reform Party?

It is extremely easy to participate in party activities. However it must be stressed that the majority of work is done, not ‘in game’, i.e. within the main Erepublik platform, but in the eUK Forums and other media that complement the main game. The central platform serves to give a reflection of ‘reality’, but as the framework is a little limiting, a whole extra eco-system has evolved around the periphery of the game. For the eUK, the key component of this eco-system is the eUK Forums (at ). This is where the eUK ‘House of Commons’ sits and where a myriad of other business is done.

If you are reading this and have never visited the site, then I would strongly recommend that you do, for it is impossible to understand the complexities and wealth of the game unless you do! The UKRP (like the other eUK Political Parties) run their own section within the Political section here. Note that this is a semi-closed croup – and that you have to ‘join’ the party to get access.

Free word? Anything you want heard?

I have a whole load of areas in which I would like to do work;
- maintaining a closer relationship with the all powerful Admins,
- making better use of the Erepulik APIs to develop new and interesting applications that enrich the user experience,
- finding ways of reducing the huge churn ratio that we suffer (why is it that only 1 in five of players who join eUK make it through a single month of activity?
- Listening and learning new and clever ways of doing things differently within Erepublik!

I am an active believer in keeping things simple. The vast majority of individuals that participate in Erepublik have very limited time to participate (I do much of my business whilst commuting by train) – so it is essential that we do try and keep things as simple and easy to comprehend as possible. Within Parliament I would love to introduce a ‘TWO MINUTE RULE’; if a proposal cannot be read understood and acted upon in less than TWO minutes then it should not be tabled! When I look back at some of the immensely complicated and weighty schemes that have passed through into eUK Law, it is apparent that those that tend to succeed are the simpler and easier to understand/administer!

Coming full circle – the UKRP is the eUK Political Party that produces less words that many of the others, yet the impact of those words is greater. So – if you are new and keen to participate in making eUK function as a Global player, working with other nations and other eUK parties to innovate, then come and join us!

This was the interview of the current official party president of the UK Reform Party. The next interview tells us the story of lordjustice, the UKRP congressman for West Midlands.