An interview with...

Day 574, 14:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council

Okay, thought I would carry on with Luke Mitchell's successful interviews, this week it is Alex Shallcross SW councillor for Transport!

1) How long have you been on Erepublik?

I joined eRep on the 31/03/09, so I've been around for a little while! I'm still very new compared to some people I've met.

2) What made you want to be a SW councillor?

I wasn't really satisfied with just working, fighting and voting. I wanted to feel like I was part of a community and doing something to help make that community better. Then one day I saw the topic on the eUK forum and so I signed up!

3) Where do you spend most of your time on eRepublik?

Most of my time is spent on the forums reading through posts that interest me. At the moment I'm trying to get to grips with the Monetary Market, so I spend a fair bit of time comparing figures on there.

4) Your Councillor for Transport, any favourite way to travel?

IRL? It has to be my car for sure. I recently travelled from London to Bristol using public transport and it took me 7 hours! When I drive it only takes 2 hours, so there you go. A Councillor for Transport saying he prefers to drive! My favourite method of transport in eRep is also the only one,
the magical moving tickets of epic teleportation.

5) Are you going to run for congress this time?

I highly doubt it, I'm still very newby when it comes to politics, I really don't have a clue. Maybe next month, maybe... 😉

6) Whats your favourite book?

What's a book? lol I don't read very much, the last book I read was about using Javascript for my university course. I'm more of a film person, so I'll tell you my favourite film: Serenity.

7) Who do you get on best with out of the council?

All of them! Everyone's very helpful and friendly. I've only just started to get to know them, so I'm looking forward to more forum banter.

😎 Favourite quote of all time?

Anything that comes out of Gene Hunt's mouth. He's a character from the BBC series Life On Mars and Ashes To Ashes. They're awesome shows and I'd recommend giving them a go if you haven't seen them before.

By Marcus Wyclif
South West Councillor for Media