An Interview

Day 469, 21:36 Published in Australia Australia by haugenmatt

Quite simply: an interview with Derek Apollyon-CP candidate of the ADSP and ACP.

haugenmatt: Do you agree that anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law? I mean, can be used in this interview?

Derek Apollyon: I know.

(He knows everything...)

haugenmatt: You say you plan to increase funding for the military. Will this funding be spread evenly between the Drop Bears and the ADF? And what is this money going towards in terms of exercises?

Derek Apollyon: The Money will be spent in whatever way the MoD sees necessary. Having said that, I'd see it as being primarily used on the Dropbears and the ACU. The reason is becuase some of the members of the ADF are members of the government and unable to move. We also need to get the Dropbears back to competitive levels (in terms of average strength), and that's achieved by getting the Soldiers from the ADF who want to become Dropbears, and giving them the training to increase their strength.

haugenmatt: Calibur has expressed a desire to expand the coverage of Medicare by creating more gift companies. The market as it stands, leaves little supply to the public sector. How, or should I say can, we increase the availability of gifts to the public while maintaining the efficiency of Centrelink?

Derek Apollyon: Firstly, Centrelink is a trainer company - it's not suppose to have too many high skilled workers there (but I do know that a few do work there for a reduced wage to help out).
Secondly, We'd have two options for increasing the gift market:
1. State Run industries that pay competitive wages for workers.
2. The Government hands out loans to new startups.
I'm against the idea of the government helping someone start a company, they should get themselves to that point; after the company is up and running (i.e.: making a profit), the the Government could use my AIG program to help companies upgrade.

haugenmatt: When will you release your Cabinet Ministers?

Derek Apollyon: (diabolical laugh) Soon...

*Note: He never actually said those exact words and I don't know if he laughed, but he did say he would release it in the near future.

haugenmatt: Thanks for your time Derek. Best of luck on the 5th.

--**Here ends the interview**--