An Error Has Occurred

Day 881, 21:58 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello eAmerica,
I have returned

One may ask oneself what is an error. According to urban dictionary an error is when your computer freezes then starts playing an annoying sound over and over again, driving you so insane you decide to jump off a bridge with your computer in one hand and the manual in the other XD

Well the sad fact is that it is not hard to see how much of the eUS leadership has become this way. Now that is not to say all of our leaders are bad, in fact, I believe that most of them are quite good and are doing a great job keeping our country energized. This article however is not for the ones at the top or those who are “the follower.” This article is for the “doer:” the one that has become so insane by that “repeated noise” that he/she is ready to jump off a bridge with the computer in one hand and their eRepublik profile in another.

It is hard to scroll through the eUS forums and not come across a page that looks like this



And it hasn’t stopped occurring since I joined this game over a year ago. A large part of the problem is transparency within the workings of our government. It is too hard to observe the work of our government in action, although I have to admit that recently it has gotten a lot better. Not only that, but often times, lack of patience or selfishness get in the way of our ability to teach new players without berating them. It has gone as far as to make enemies from our allies, foes from our friends, and failures from our successes. It doesn’t have to be this way.

I’ll be honest when I say that I am worried that autonomy of the player who differs in opinion will be lost in the new APF Party. After having been party president of the Conservative Party for three months it is hard not to feel sad and disappointed that they are now gone. I stood for players who felt that the game could be played differently, with more compassion and selflessness, and still succeed. We may not have a physical party anymore, but we are not going anywhere 😉

There are things we can do to change this circumstance.

1. First of all don’t let party politics rule you: Now more than ever we need to speak up for ourselves and what we believe in. Once we are clear on our goals and how they are similar, then we can organize once again.
2. Secondly, speak up against bad behavior, reporting it is not enough. I don’t mean game mechanics or political behavior, but in our interactions with others and how we speak. If you don’t like how someone treats another, say something, and if no one else will join in your complaint pm me and I’ll join in 😉
3. Treat your enemies as your friends. When our enemies talk about destroying the US, shouting obscenities is always fun so go right ahead 😉 But let me warn you that it will not help re-shape our image.
4. Ask yourself, how fun is this game really? Or better yet, where does the potential for this game to be fun come from? Is it the game mechanics? Yeah right XD Is it the bureaucracy, policy, and nationally made rules? Psh….I sure hope not. Or is it the friends we’ve made and the fun we’ve had with them? I think for me it is that last one.

The most fun I ever had with Erepublik did not involve the game but the people I met who had been playing it with me.

Let me close by recounting an event that took place almost a year ago: The CvP was celebrating a victory that was long overdue, we had finally given the power back to the party members who deserved it more than we ever did. Many of us, including Cromstar, Hekter, Angelini, Dodgercathcer, Evry, Erik Victor, and even Ajay Bruno were all on Livestream, listening to music and enjoying the party that ensued. We didn’t know what was ahead, but our hopes were high for our party’s future. I am happy to say that I was and still am not disappointed. We had one of the most exciting parties that night, and I will never forget all the podcasts we produced afterwards. At that time, the party, although not too successful in congress, was still one of the greatest groups of caring friends. The nation, although often at odds with one another internally, was still one of the most respected and strong. The new citizens, although often unaware and naïve, were still given support groups to help them succeed. The game although at times stressful, was still fun.

Let’s make it that way again.

P.S. Although I am quite busy (trust me I’ll be up real late tonight XD), come May I will not be. With that being said, I may POSSIBLY run for POTUS. The above is what I believe in. Take it as you will

Thank you,
God Bless Poland,
God Bless Iceland,
And God Bless America,