An eRepublik Suggestion

Day 1,087, 05:27 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
An eRepublik Suggestion

I was glad to see that the Admins are listening to their players, even if the updates that are [supposedly] requesting are something like an “Entity Description”. This means they'll have people who actually play the game suggesting the updates, instead of just the people who profit from it. And so, here is an update that I believe would help to improve eRepublik. I'd like to present it to other players before suggesting it to the Admins. You never know, if we have enough players suggesting it, it may become a “highly requested” feature.

Paid for By...

How often to you look over to the right side of your screen and see an advertisement that makes you stop at once. Not because it interests you. Not because it appeals to you. Maybe because it appalls you. Lately, I've been seeing a lot of them. It seems that anyone with gold and a secret agenda is willing to create a false advertisement in order to blatantly lie to players in hopes of confusing and/or convincing them of something. This really isn't something that contributes positively to our virtual society. These 'attack ads' are only meant to negatively impact eCanada.

Now, there's nothing wrong with using an advertisement to draw attention to your criticism or disagreement with another player's ideas, but when it's done in such an anonymous way, it really doesn't do any good. We've all seen the ads. We know what people do when it's anonymous. The thing that I'm confused about, is that if no one likes people creating attacks ads, then let's force them to stop, right? This is where the Admin's update comes into play...

What if the Admins updated the Citizen Ads module to allow users to see who created (hence, paid for) the advertisement? This would certainly help to solve the problem of attack ads. What I would like to see added to the Ad Module is a simple line of text, saying “Paid for by [citizen name].” at the bottom of the advertisement.

I lol'ed when I saw this actually, but it's a convinient example.

This line of text wouldn't even be very difficult to implement (I may be wrong about this, since I don't know how the Admins have done their coding, but really...). Since the Ad Module already tracks who creates which advertisements, there must already be a variable that stores the citizen name. Meaning that it takes barely any code to insert this one line.

Personally, I believe this would be a good feature to help advance the Ad Module, since it is still in Beta (how long has it been around for anyway?). It helps to decrease the amount of negative advertisements in eRepublik, thus reducing frustration from the game's players. In honesty, it could mean less gold will be used up by ads, but really Admins, you have to make it so people don't get overly frustrated with a game before they'll pay for it. I hope you understand this.

Anyway, this was a small idea for an eRepiblik improvement. Now, would this be something that you would like to see implemented as well?

Thanks for reading.

It should be noted that this is directed to other players, not towards to the Admins [just yet].