An endorsement and a Request

Day 681, 08:32 Published in South Africa South Africa by Philip Francis Exavier Esquire

The results of our poll have come in.

The ANA party has voted and determined that Mossad will be supported by our party. I personally endorse Steven Bosch, but on behalf of my party I will do my personal best to ensure Mossad’s success.

I would hope that no one resents me for this action, but the results were clear in our poll. 19 members voted. Four for Bosch, one for Kaiser Alex, and twelve for Mossad (thirteen actually voted for Mossad, but I could not confirm their identity so I scraped the vote.) and one for Francois spawn (I could not confirm this identity either).

ANA members, feel free to vote your conscious, if you feel that any other given candidate is a better choice than Mossad, feel free to vote for them.

To the rest of South Africa, I would like to discourage any attempts of mudslinging on anyone’s part, and I would like to discourage negative campaigns. Such efforts will result in my disapproval, whatever that is worth. I hope that we can (as I’ve said a plurality of times in the last week,) maintain decorum, and move on to a brighter future.

We have come a long way since getting Limpopo back, and we still have a long way to go before we get completely back on our feet. I hope that whoever is voted in encourages growth, and does not attempt to quell any opposing opinions, Mossad, if you have such inclinations, and have not told me… I urge you not to make me regret it. Steven Bosch, if you have such tendencies, I have not yet seen them, and I hope you continue to act forthrightly, as you have been.

As this article comes to a close, I prepare to press the button to endorse Mossad for Country President, once again, I hope this action is not met with resentment, as the people of my party have spoken, and I have been straightforward with the results.

Best Wishes to everyone.

God Bless you all. God Bless South Africa!
