An Appeal to the Citizens of Virginia

Day 551, 07:27 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

When I started this game a little under four months ago, I can tell you I had no idea what I was doing. I thought "what's the point", work, train every day? Is that all there is to it? I registered for the forums, but was never really active. Then I started reading articles, I started learning, I started to understand that there is an underlying community - soul, even - to this game, and I began to play it with much more vigor. I posted on the forums under various topics and I accepted work that otherwise might have been left undone.

Many of you know me as the author of the eUSA FAQ's - a helpful guide for new players across the USA.

Some of you know me in a more professional relationship as the American ambassador to China & North Korea.

Some of you even work under my guidance as CEO of General Resources

And yet I enjoy the special bond I have with the citizens of Virginia. This is my second time running for the Commonwealth of Virginia - the second time that I have asked you to lend me your ears so that you can be my voice. To lend me your vote so you can be my strength. However, on the eve of congressional elections, when I can bash the other candidates or mindlessly appeal to your sense of patriotism, I won't.

The only thing I'll do today is post this article, not as a congressional candidate but as another citizen of eRepublik aspiring to bigger and better things for the eUSA.

Citizens of Virginia, let's do it - vote USWP, vote Dmalicious - Vote for a Common Voice in Congress!

For more information about me or my platform, please visit:

This paper also supports all USWP candidates, including Lowell Kennedy in New Jersey - a qualified and dedicated individual who I would be honored to serve beside in congress.
