An Address from the Prime Minister of eAustralia.

Day 993, 22:11 Published in Australia Australia by Dean Kong

Good afternoon eAustralians. Your democratically chosen Prime Minister here with an update on what my government has been doing since the day you have elected me. In case you've been wondering, I haven't been doing nothing! 😉

First and foremost, I'd like to address the group known as "The Damned". Some of you may have seen their article posted in the media, or the forum topic started by Discrate1. Larni Kaddlestrom gave me access to the group as PM of eAustralia so I'd be able to see for myself the work and things they are doing in their, and I'd like to make sure eAustralians are aware that this group is not malicious is nature or intent and will do eAustralia no harm. So just a quick notice there.

Secondly, the budget from last month and our current standings can be viewed by all registered Aus Citizens on the forums here. As you may see, due to the ad hacks we lost a lot of our treasury, and due to eIndonesia owning our in-game government we are unable to restock it. If you wish to give donations to our treasury, please contact either the Minister for Finance Alesayr, or deputy Minister Venja.

Thirdly, I had talks with the eIndonesian government last night on IRC and have negotiated a peace between our governments which was broken due to declaration of war by our government. In return, the eIndonesian government has told me that they will withdrawl their support behind the organisation Angel Demon, but reiterated the fact that as a non-government organisation they are unable to be directly controlled by the eIndonesian government. However, I feel that by at least getting the eIndonesian government to stop helping the Angel Demon organisation, we may find it easier to break the PTO on eAustralia in the times ahead.

Fourthly, I have been contacted by the eSouth African Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he has told me that eSA are seeking to enter the broalliance finally. They have the OK from eUSA and eCanada already and I have given my OK to the ballot also. Soon we shall have another bro in our great alliance. 🙂

Lastly, and the biggest announcement I have to make, is that I have begun talks with my Ministers of Defence about reforming the military to incorporate the new battle module of v2. Suffice to say I can't give away too much of what we're planning and how we will organise the new military units, but all exisiting military members, and of course anyone wishing to join the military, needs to submit their census form here so we can get an idea of how everyone migrated their skills and how many type of each unit we have.

Well that's all I have to report so far. Thank you if you managed to read this all the way to the bottom, I tend to be a horrible article writer due to my poor English skills, and my bad keyboard. Keep an ear out for more articles coming from me to get your news from the eAustralian government in exile (AKA sub? 😃)

Thank you, and good bye.