An Act of Kindness

Day 643, 13:03 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner


Many know them as the enemy, the occupiers, the oppressors, the imperialists.

They will forever be known as the Alliance who took what they wanted when they wanted, and even their most hated enemies deeply respect them and loathe them for that.

PEACE was a lot of things, but there was one thing we didn't think they were:


Yes, that's right. Honorable. In the past few days, we've seen the Northern East Coast battered by the rampaging Russian bear. It seemed that all hope was lost. Florida would be America's last stand, and the outcome was easy to predict.

But a strange visitor was in Florida. An Indonesian. And it wasn't just a lowly pawn in this blown up game of chess, it was the king himself. The President of Indonesia. When asked why he dares show his face in Florida, he responded that he would help the Americans. Help? Why? Because of the treaty. Just because Russia didn't sign it, doesn't mean Indonesia doesn't have to stick to their word.So if a huge world leader like that could stand up to his own alliance, maybe it spells hope for the rest of the world, that maybe, just maybe, there will be something better than this. I find this inspiring to say the least. The President of Indonesia could very well be putting himself up on the chopping block. This could mean the end of Russia being a PEACE member, and it could start a whole new war, resetting the board that we have become accustomed to, leveling the playfield that we have we have fought upon day after day. Indonesia could come under scrutiny from other PEACE members, who would decide to finish the job off themselves. No one knows what will happen. Let us see who will draw the line where, and who will push that line back.