Americas Top Five: Make a Difference

Day 1,029, 20:22 Published in USA USA by JDR1986
I'm making a difference and so can you.

So I have recently seen some articles that would have you believe that there is only one right choice when actually there are five great choices for parties. I have chosen the Federalists but my party may not be right for you and I am ok with that. So instead of bashing all the other parties while building up my own I would like to give good reasons to join all the top five parties.

The USWP is by far the largest party. Described by a non party member in two words Zombie Party. Described by a party member regaining strength. The USWP believes in expanding the quality of life of all workers and getting all new players involved in the community. The current party president is Fionia and it looks as though she will carry on into the next month. They have a nice community. They have the experience of being an old party while having alot of new people joining due to their size. The new members are offered a nice range of advancement oppurtunities.The USWP is currently expanding and improving, which means they are constantly in need of people to work for them. They are also one of the most innovative parties out there, always open to new ideas to make the party ever-greater. If you would like to get involved in their community go to the USWP forums here or their irc chat #USWPchat

The Federalists are the second largest party in the country. Described by a non party member in two words awesomly active. Described by a party member in two words proud/horny. The Federalists believe in planning and expert execution. They can't stand last minute changes in plans, lack of coordination, and worries about who gets credit. They want the entire country to work toward the same common goals. Parties, the military, and militias should all be planning and working together on the big stuff, such as congressional blockers, to keep our country safe and successful. The current party president is Qubert18 and he will be followed by Greene12. Greene12 is a former Federalist party president and the Federalists expect great things from him this month. The Federalists are the innovators of the top 5. They came out with the Federalist Outreach Program which allows them to communicate to the entire party in less than 30 minutes. They also believe in getting the best and brightest into congress and they work with the other parties to ensure that as many qualified individuals make it in as possible. They have pushed more than anyone for increased use of military blockers and making sure that the entire country is covered every month. If you would like to get involved in the Federalist community go to the Federalist forums here or their irc room #fedpartychat

SEES is the third largest party in the country. Described by a non party member Terrorist Organization. Described by a party member ****ing Elite. SEES believes in a strong United States that is incapable of being trolled by eurofags. Also they believe in the eventual world domination through a home base in the United States. They are fervent Dioists and will defend there Dioist beliefs here and abroad using the only full Dioist militia in the world. They have control over the national government as often claimed by the people that seek to destroy them. They use an authoritarin approach on there government which is easy to understand for the noobs. The congressmen and party officials are promoted through merit and hard work for the party. They use an elder council that is directly controlled by the Fuhrer. This party structure eliminates political strife that is found within other parties. The current Grand Vizier Max Wallingbottom III is stepping aside at the Fuhrer's wishes and will be followed by Rainy Sunday. Rainy Sunday hopes to lead SEES to a new age following the exodus of Dioists back to Pakistan their homeland. If you would like to get involved in there community go to the SEES forums here or their irc room #SEES

UIP is the fourth largest party in the country. Described by a non party member magically delicious. Described by the party as Independants United. UIP believes in the Independent nature of there party however they are United to achieve the same common goal. The current party president is Justin Mcravock and it will stay the same throughout the next month. They are awesome because they are a compilation of non-like minded minds who work together for the good of the eUS. In a way, the UIP feels like a representative body for everybody's sometimes conflicting opinions as much as it does a political party. Most parties have a platform with one stance on all the key issues. If they have a platform, it's something that can be summed up as unity with individuality. With most political parties, their views are like a tunnel. You can only look one way, and with that, you can only do so much. The UIP has so many people coming from so many different places, we check and talk about every aspect of everything before moving forward. If you would like to get involved in their community go to the UIP forums here or their irc room #UIP

ADTP is the smallest party in the top 5. ADTP believes in a strong military and supports free trade. They are awesome because they are small and friendly. Where other parties are more like social groups that have several different ideologies the ADTP openly use one central ideology promoting strong military and free trade. They have a small community but they have plans to expand. They understand that active new members can make huge contributions and such members will always be listened to. They need all the help they can to improve their party and would love if you joined. If you would like to try to get active in their community go to the ADTP forums here or their irc room #ADTP

So all of the top 5 have something they are awesome for. Join the community's talk to the members. Find the one that you like the best.

Disclaimer: All views expressed in this paper were given by the individual party and in no way reflect the view of this paper or the author.