American Dream.

Day 441, 08:45 Published in USA Romania by trex21

Hy there, proud American Nation. I write this article as a friendly message for all american citizens, old or young, 🙂, as I just moved in your country from a veeeery strange reality, which seamd like a dream in the begining, bunt now it turned into a nightmare.
Anyway, I decided that must no longer bear all the cowardly and sneaky atacks of all brown-nosing skumms, jost for telling out loud what I truly feel, and what I stand for in this , maibe puny, maibe worthless eLife. So I decided to pack my stuff, and leave my old life behind, having the mirage of the all praised american dream in front of my eyes, and see if there is a chance to start over here, with and for the nation of the USA.. Deep inside, I feel I made a good choice, and hope to get to know many of you guys, and ladies 🙂 , exchange ideas, and breath the clean, free air of a civilised society.
In hope of a good time, Trex, a missfitt citizen of the eWorld.