American Arms Review

Day 508, 15:34 Published in USA USA by Knojerakk

The arms industry has proven relatively stable over the last week. The effect of the American war games has continued to allow merchants to market their wares at acceptable prices. This has also benefited the iron industry within the US and other nations.

The weapons industry over the past week has been rather stable with minimal price fluctuations. The majority of all sales centered in the $9.00 region reaching up to over $10.00 some days and down into the mid $8.00 region other days. This has proven quite profitable for manufacturers. These conditions are also proving to be acceptable for consumers. There was a midweek slump from the dump of weapons on the market however the war games quickly removed many of those from circulation, while others are being traded off market.

The iron industry has also been relatively steady fluctuating mostly within a 10 cent increment, from $1.56 to $1.66, for q2 iron which has proven to be the cheapest source of iron at most points during the week. It has been noticed today that some q4 iron sources have become more competitively priced and are closing in on q2 iron sources.

Internationally, Romanian iron has stayed one of the cheaper sources in the world at a cost of around 1.60 Romanian for q2. Romanian currency has been slightly stronger than American currency at around 51 Romanian to 1 Gold. However, the US Dollar has been rising in value and is currently at $48 to 1 Gold, the dollar started the week at $44 to 1 Gold.

The American defense industry is currently strong and growing stronger, with new corporations entering the market in order to profit upon these conditions. It will be interesting to see how the market stands up in the long run if the war games are discontinued.

Staff writer, Joint Defense Consulting