America - Wtf ?!

Day 620, 11:18 Published in USA Sweden by Fenrisulven

Rea😛 If you want to get agressive, please read the entire article before commenting. Thanks !

What is it about you guys ? Have you reached a point where everybody starts backstabbing everybody ? Can't you just stand united ?
I am talking about the leak of information, articles about surrenders, articles about how America is falling apart etc.
If you guys can't hold it together how are you expecting your allies to do so ? Nations all over the world are gathering their resources, sending soldiers to America simply trying to help. But how could they if you've already given up ? This is not an open letter to ALL of the citizens of America, its to the haters out there

I always thought of America as proud, powerfull and peaceful but yet lethal. Thats is not how I think about some of you now.. I'm just seeing a bunch of sissies trying to take advantage of the situation to help themselfs and not their neighbours.

I have so much I want to say, all negative unfortunately, but I'm having a hard time to put it all together. Just stop with all the nonsense. The war is not over yet, there's still a long way to go.

The most idiotic thing I've seen, yet, is a presidential candidate going out in public, telling the citizens that if he becomes the president in the United States he will end this war.. By surrendering..

Wtf ?! Thats exactly what I am saying, he knows there's a big crowd out there hoping to end this and agreeing to PEACE's terms and he's using that go gain the ultimate power, over an ultimate country.

I'll kill myself if he wins.. What I've seen there are 2 possible candidates that have stayed positive, encouriging and hopefull. These two are Emerick and Harrison Richardson. They may be hated by some because of the current situation but this war was imminent. We all knew that this day would come, and we were all right.

I'm not trying to screw you up even more, but I am telling you to get a grip. You're not the only ones involved in this war. This is a world war, this affects the entire world and if you fail the consequences won't be yours to deal with.. You're probably wiped off the map and the rest uf us, whi's trying to help you will get the punishment.

Please don't post a comment if you're to lazy to read the text.... And don't shoot the messenger...