America's Soultions.

Day 481, 20:06 Published in USA Greece by Weasle

Now that we all know the truth, how do we fix it? This is not a simple question.

But the beginning lies in this fact. America wants war. Or at least a vast majority of it does. The ironic part of it is, it can't win a war to save it's life.

Why? Because its soldiers don't have enough training or the weapons of other countries. Before we go into a fight ever again, we need to buff up our base soldier strenght. It can't be as low as it is now. Also we must make our tanks the best tanks in the game.

Now how do we do this?

Well luckily part of the awnser is provided by this losing war. When were fighting full blast were still not beating the 14 oh so countries were facing. It becomes kinda pointles and a waste of wellness. So all the nubs out there need to buy a moving ticket to florida. Then they need to fight just once in any battle in mexico. Then they need to use Florida's Q5 hospital to heal themselves. This adds 50 wellness, and if you start at the base 50 loose 10 fighting and gain 50 from the hospital you should end up with 90. A fair amount. I would be highly surprised if they attacked past our borders as that would activate our MPP's and even if they did, at least we would have a ton of 90 wellness soldiers to combat them.

The second part of the awnser lies in the way we supply our guns. Uncle Sam and the Congress have been promising us Nationalized guns but this has really taken a back seat. This should have been done before the war started. The government should select one company out of every Q to supply them with guns for a price(reduced or not) and then in turn supply it to the tanks, the army, and the National guard. It just makes sense for the country to supply its soldiers guns right?

All this will help our military problems.

But more importantly we need to stop alienating our friends. We need a leader who has the common sense to talk man to man, equal to equal with any leader or diplomat whether they be from Indonesia or Israel. We need a leader who has the country's best intrests at heart but with a worldwide outlook.

Socially, while it would proabably be imposible to get rid of the warmongering spirit entirely, it would be great to add a little reason and forethought into it. To cool down our guns and use a little more strategy and tact, a little more resourcefullness and intelligence. To plan before we act. To think before we act. Obviously, we have not been doing this as we blitzkrieged(or tried to) Mexico so bad, that we couldn't even give Atlantis a 24 hour heads up. That was a mistake. We could have used those 24 hours to plan out our strategy a little better, maybe shy away from the region that borders Portugal and hopefully have had that bug fixed by then.

Thomas Paine once said that "These are the times that try men's souls" and that amazing patriot was both astute and correct. These are the times that try men's souls(women too) but it is the test of a nation on whether it deserves to stand the test of time, on whether it is worthy to be considered one of the greats in the Pantheon on Nation's, if in these dark times we will either crumble... or... UNITE!