America Presents: The Drive For Five

Day 1,092, 15:26 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
Americans, I'm about to show you an ugly site.


That's right, we aren't even visible. America sits in the sixth spot with 11,755 citizens. Of those 11,000, many are likely dead so as you can see, we need to boost our ranks in order to accomplish new heights for our country. Lets gain some new, interested and active people.

Currently, we sit about 10,000 below Poland at number 1, and need 2,000 more citizens to break into the top 5.

That's where you come in, the everyday Americans, my fellow Joe DaSmoe's out there. I know there are many of you out there who find a spark of interest for the ideal of an eRepublik, lets take our "spark", build a fire and blast our way to the top. If we do it right, America will return to the top and be replenished with fresh enthusiasm for our eWorld.

Operation Drive For Five, Let's Bury It!

--Click here for your personal referral link.--

Once you have your link, sign into your Twitter, Facebook or MySpace accounts and spread the word. Send it in emails to your friends. Our country has one of the highest amounts of Internet connections in the world. Let's use this to our advantage! In a country of 300 million people, only about 12,000 currently use eRepublik. With just a few strokes on the keyboard and a few mouse clicks, you can put money in your pocket and help your nation. If only half of us manage to invite just one player, we hit top 5. If we drive even harder, we can rocket to the top.

The possibilities are mind boggling. This eWorld is literally in our hands.

If each one of us takes the time to spread the visibility of eRepublik in gaming forums, blogs, chat, social networks, our boom could be tremendous. Not to mention that if you successfully invite some people you can attain the society builder achievement and pocket some coin for your efforts if your invites stick around.

So that's what we do. We advertise, when an invite joins our society, you friend him, help him/her understand whats going on here, tell them to heed the new citizen message as it contains all vital links needed for your online persona to be successful and productive in our country. Helping them get there feet wet is key. If they don't respond, try again. If they fizzle out, invite another. Rinse and repeat, persistence breeds results.

Do it for your nation, do it to benefit our eSociety, do it to grow yourself.

Lets kick some ass and thanks for your time,
