America, ATLANTIS, Mexico, PEACE GC.

Day 477, 21:42 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander
There is a rising tide in America, one calling for us to leave ATLANTIS. We must resist this tide, lest we be washed away once PEACE GC reaches our borders. If we are lucky, PEACE GC will be content with liberating Mexico. If we are lucky. Even then, Mexico may press its advantage, attacking the States directly. If they do so, we will be in a huge bind. Our weapons market has crumbled, and even the lowest quality weapons are too much for the average worker to afford, meaning that they will have to barefist it when trying to defend our regions.

Understandably, people are looking for someone to blame.
Was it Uncle Sam, who dragged us into the war? After all, he decided which regions to attack.
Or was it Congress? Obviously, they went along with him, allowing his war declaration to pass.
Was it ATLANTIS, dragging into a global conflict we want to avoid?
But whose fault is it, really?

Everyone is at fault here. Yes, Uncle Sam attacked at an extremely inconvenient time, but that was to try to counteract Mexico's pending alliance with Italy. But what did the American people vote Uncle Sam into office for? RWAR. That was the majority of his platform. I will admit, I voted for him. Perhaps it was a mistake, perhaps not. But he was originally content to keep Baja, The Northwest, and The Northeast. ATLANTIS did nothing to push or provoke our attack on Mexico, we chose, of our own free will, to declare war. We all pushed this tide along, crying for a Pan-American empire that would allow us to take out PEACE forces in South America.

Now we are on the defense, and we have been shooting ourselves in the collective foot. Countless patriotic citizens decided to ignore all the shouts and newscasts calling to fight FOR the resistance in Oaxaca. Not that that would have made much of a difference since Mexico is now directly counterattacking. Except for the fact that PORTUGAL WILL BE ABLE TO ATTACK US-HELD REGIONS! And Portugal brings with them the heavy hitters of PEACE GC, along with Mexico's alliances with the middle-class militaries. America has been in a similar situation before, when PEACE GC pushed ATLANTIS out of France, in the first stage of World War Two. They were reluctant to attack however, as they would not only lose their alliance bonuses, we would gain ours.

Now, everything is different. Romania is tied up with Indonesia, although they have sent in support. Unfortunately, their division fought for the defenders in Oaxaca. Everyone in ATLANTIS is running some kind of blocking movement for each other, including Canada and Spain, who have both attacked France to block them. They did succeed in this, although they failed to take any French regions. And Sweden has promised to send one of their tank divisions to assist us. This could potentially be a problem for them, since they now border Indonesia; this means that their military forces will be considerably weaker if PEACE GC attacks them. Which brings me to my next point.

ATLANTIS has not abandoned us. Yes, we all feel betrayed about being forced to pay the fine for breaking the treaty, for multiple reasons: we have been trying to rebuild our treasury since a recent theft, we are in the middle of a war, and could use those funds to help our tanks, or even our common footsoldiers; Romania and Spain have gotten away with not paying the fine before, so people wonder why we should be different. What people are not listening to is that thanks to backdoor diplomacy, several countries will be paying us back our gold. The first to do so was the previously mentioned Sweden, who also voted against fining us. Also on the list of those to return our gold are Finland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The last will surprise many, since a notable USA/UK citizen (rl Mexican) is leading the fight against America, and assume that he has the full support of the UK. Note: HE. DOES. NOT. Leading UK officials have repeatedly denied that, going so far as to say that any soldiers that fight against America will not be supported, and will most likely be kicked from the armed forces. Note: I am not saying ATLANTIS is without its own set of flaws, but for now we must either live with them, or pay the price of abandonment.

As for abandoning ATLANTIS, I ask those who say it would be best for us and the world to look at the battle stats. PEACE GC is consistently defeating us in one-on-one combat. If we leave ATLANTIS, we will lose our alliances. It is that simple. Without anyone to help us, we will quickly fold under the onslaught. I will fight just as ferociously as anyone else to defend America, but America can only do so much by itself, with a crumbling domestic weapons market, and a much weaker populace than our attackers. Yes we have numbers, but they have many, many more numbers on their side. And their numbers are much stronger. If we are not careful, we will be overrun. It is as simple as that.

This cannot be allowed to happen. And so we will fight, to keep the war away from American soil. I want a war on our home regions as little as the next person, but it is a very real possiblity. So whatever you can do, support the war effort.


*Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves*