Ambassador's Report: Japan

Day 1,158, 12:33 Published in Austria Austria by cehansen

Japan: President KITA Ikki
Political Party: Imperial Sun Party

Congress: Democratic Party of Japan- 4 members in congress makes up 15.38% of the congress
United Lolies of Japan- 6 members in congress makes up 23.08% of the Congress
Imperial Sun Party- 10 member in congress makes up 38.46% of the Congress
Godzilla Party- 2 members in congress makes up 7.69% of the Congress
Dai Nippon Seianto- 3 members in congress makes up 11.54% of the Congress

The country has 697 citizens and the country is 30th in National rank. They Have Eight Regions
-Chugoku- 24 citizens Resource Fruit.
-Gyeongsangnam-do- 28 Citizens Resource Aluminum
-Hokkaido- 161 Citizens Resource Deer
-Kanto (Capital Region)- 274 Resource Aluminum
-Kinki- 38 Citizens Resource Fruits
-Kyushu- 81 Citizens Resource Fish
-Shikoku- 30 Citizens Rescource Aluminum
-Tohoku- 61 Citizens Rescource Fish

They Currently have Trading Embargoes with: North Korea that Expires in 8 Days
Indonesia that expires in 2 months

There Taxes are: Income Tax Import Tax VAT
Food 10% 20% 0%
Moving Tickets 10% 40% 0%
House 10% 20% 0%
Hospital 1% 1% 1%
Defense System 0% 0% 0%
Grain 10% 1%
Oil 0% 0%
Stone 1% 1%
Iron 0% 0%
Weapons 10% 40% 0%

Minimum wage is .80JPY
Average Wage is 8.90JPY

Japan's Natural Enemy is South Korea
Japan is involed with four different Wars
USA vs. Pakistan
Japan vs. South Korea
USA vs. Iran
Republic of Macedonia vs. Bulgaria

Alliances with: USA expires in 9 days
Bulgaria expires in 18 days

Ambassador's Report Submited by Congressman and Ambassador