Am I Running for CP?

Day 3,055, 18:30 Published in Australia Australia by Legendary Viking Dragon

I am honored and flattered to be running for CP under the APP flag. They must be crazy to nominate me, but sometimes crazy is good....

I have been playing the game since 2009. Lived in a few places, fought in a few wars, argued with many players about politics and (most recently) complained a lot about our game. We all know that it's not as good as it used to be and we all want it to get better......but in the meantime let's make the best of what we have.

It used to be customary to make a pitch for office based on all the great things you are going to do when you become CP. Infact it used to be customary to do that just to get into Congress! Now hardly anyone does this.....not because they are lazy.....but because there are so few opportunities to really influence anything in a game that has lost almost all of its strategy. I said......making the best of what we have.......

What's my pitch for office?

1. Anti-Whinging

I think Rusty D is doing a fine job as CP. Smart, articulate, familiar with the mechanics, and active. There. I said it! I refuse to run for office and base my campaign on trying to divide the nation, or just complaining about other people. When it comes to our diminishing game community, I run on a principle of say something constructive or shut it. My politics will be inclusive, diplomatic, positive and collegiate. My cabinet will be from across the parties. My energy and enthusiasm will be high. If that sounds crass then you need to vote for someone else.

2. Spread The Honey, Honey

Money makes the world go round, or at least CC and gold does. Competitions to win money make the world go round in a fun way. I like fun. I like money. So we will have fun competitions that involve money. These will probably involve something that makes people feel awkward or squirm a little. Why? Because I love seeing how low people will go for a taste of those sweet, sweet molasses. Don't like the idea? Don't vote for me.

3. War in a game that is a war game is.....just.....right.

War is good. Training wars are ok. But real wars where you can screw stuff up and maybe grab some bonuses. That's just better, right? So we will have a War-A-Thon campaign to raise funds for a war chest. Once we have enough, we will vote on which country we want to attack (yes....this is a Democracy) and then we will attack it. I know.....your thinking I sound reckless, wild, full of youthful exuberance and gay abandon? Well.....if you don't like it, don't vote for me.

4. Let's all be fwends

We will probably do some diplomatic stuff. Make some fwends, bribe some foreign MU leaders and politicians, gather up some MPPs to activate after our War Vote. The usual. We will have chats with Murica, Indo, Iran, and a few others to see who wants to be BFFs and do some tanking with us. You know the drill. Don't like it? Don't vote for me.

5. It's good to talk

So finally, we will let you know what's going on. I have never found anything in this game (especially these days) to be so complex or "strategic" that you can't tell people about it. If you vote for me that means you are my peeps, right? We are like, bruvvers and ayes gotta share wit ma homies, right? Or something. Anyway. Whomever is in my cabinet will tell you exactly what's going on and then you can complain about it. Don't like it? You know what to do.......

So to recap,

Anti-whinging, spread the honey honey, war in a war game is just right, let's all be fwends and it's good to talk.

Just vote. You know it makes sense.

Laters peeps,