Alt for Norge?

Day 771, 08:00 Published in Norway Norway by Mink Deadly

Good morning, and welcome to this edition of Neovison Vison.


Okay, okay, okay. So, I'm not that idiotic. Of course I know what 'Alt for Norge' means. I am picking up little bits of Norwegian, and I see that it means 'All for Norway'.

Well, that's not what I'm reading in the papers this morning.

This talk of needing a 'strong president' to fight the PTO is silly. The largest party in eNorway snubbing the government because they lost an election is silly. Calling out the other party for their lack of participation in the government also seems silly.

This all seems silly.

It also seems that I've made my way to a country I'm getting to like rather quickly. I left the eUSA because I felt like I couldn't make much difference, even though I tried. Now, I am here in eNorway, enjoying the people I'm meeting and the feeling that I could be part of something much more special. I hope, for the sake of my new home, that this isn't a bellwether of bad things to come.


This made me think of flags. I have made a hobby out of collecting them. I have St. Andrew's Cross, a Don't Tread on Me Union Jack, the Stars and Stripes, the flag of my IRL home state of New Hampshire, as well as a host of others. I may get a Norwegian flag this afternoon, for many reasons above joining the country.

I wonder how these flags stay together. They interweave different colors and patters, often in contrast. Yet, the best flags stay unfurled and tough through the strongest winds, finding their strength not in the cloth, but in the stitches that bind them.

The Norwegian flag, like all Nordic Crosses, has eight seams, not counting the outside. They always contrast in color, yet manage to fly strong. Is this the country I've found? I certainly hope so.


The drawing says 'Alt for Norge?' in the thought bubble, with an asterisk saying 'Just what does that mean, anyway?' (I know what it means.) My suitcase says 'Norway or Bust' and 'Partisan Bickering Sux', with the logo of my former party, the United Independent Party, on it. The sign says 'Velkommen til Ostlandet: It's Nice!'. The mink is a trademark of mine.

I do all my own artwork, and my own stunts.

Close of the issue.