ALMO Inc Weekly Review

Day 1,211, 06:17 Published in South Africa Poland by StanEslah

ALMO Inc Weekly Review

ALMO Inc is pleased to announce that the group currently employees 33 staff, this amounts to 83% of our target of 40 employees, this is a decrease of 12% from last week.

Employees of the Week
Congratulation to
Sleeva and
NePhaLliM and
westyjacob from ALMO Inc Armaments,
Ari Lumumba from ALMO Inc Mining,
PseudoPunpkin from ALMO Inc Farming and to
candykiller from ALMO Inc Gourmet Food who are selected as Employees of the week for consistently working at 100% health every day

As a reward they will receive five Q3 food and a extra days wages.

ALMO Inc announces the following bonus payments for the week ending 7 March 2011

Bonus Scheme

Method of calculation
The bonus will be calculated on the number of days worked which will be calculated as a percentage of the daily Salary.
Example1: If you earn R23 and work a full 7 days you will get a bonus of 100% (7/7*100) of R23 which amounts to R23.
Example2: If you earn R23 and work a only 5 days you will get a bonus of 71% (5/7*100) of R23 which amounts to R16.43.

An additional bonus will be calculated for each day where the employee works at 100% health
Example1: If you earn R23 and work a at 100% health for full 7 days you will get a bonus of 100% (7/7*100) of R23 which amounts to R23.
Example2: If you earn R23 and work at 100% health for only 5 days you will get a bonus of 71% (5/7*100) of R23 which amounts to R16.43.

Food Bonus
If an employee works at 100% health every day of the week, he will receive a food bonus of five Q3 food
Terms & Conditions
The Bonus will be net of any income tax, the rate of which will be the prevailing tax rate on the date of withdrawal of the bonus from the company accounts
To be eligible, an employee would have to work at least one day in the week for which the bonus is calculated
Bonuses will be calculated weekly and Payments will be made within 14 day from the end of the week for which the bonus was calculated
No payment will be made to any citizen with a permanently banned status, any bonus due will revert to the company
An employee may query the calculation of a bonus if an error is suspected, however once the investigation is complete, the decision is regarded as final and no further correspondence will be entered into
This scheme will remain in effect for as long as the ALMO inc company is viable, should the company declare bankruptcy, any bonuses due will be forfeit
The Bonus scheme may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the General Manager of ALMO inc
No claims may be made against any officer of ALMO inc
Edition 14 – 15 March 2011 – Day 1211