
Day 1,507, 06:12 Published in Croatia Ireland by roroman YNWA

Today I was going for my third BH in Southeast of Mexico (it was a bad idea, I know). I knew that I didn't had a lot of influence but I decided to help my country regardless of wether I get BH or not. I made about 710k influence:

20 minutes before the end Spain turned the wall and turkish player Darth_MorgomiR made
1 120k influence:

I couldn't beat that 😛

I send him a message (I wasn't rude, ask him! 😃) and he said that he was trying to push the wall but he couldn't make it and that he doesn't care about the BH. (I didn't believed him 🙁 )Then Argrob came in and made 3 milion damage:

And Darth MorgomiR didn't even tried to take the BH.
I do not think it was because of Argrob but because he was telling the truth, that he doesn't care about the BH. That shows that the Turks are true Allies and they won't just steal every easy BH.
Thank you Darth for your help against Spain and thanks to every other Turk that is fighting for Croatia and EDEN, we will help you back!

Hail Turkey!
Hail Croatia!
Hail EDEN!

