Allies' Campaign/Defense (Turkey) #1

Day 1,959, 02:00 Published in China China by towyl

Turkey, although having won the mine, has immediately lost to Polish airstrike on Day 1958. So it seems that their victory over eChina just turns out to be a sad fate for them as now not only the ePoland is attacking them, but eSerbia too.( At Mediterranean Coast of Turkey)

As usual , some stats to show the bleak future of Turkey....

eTurkey's Rank: 10th (7550 citizens)
Reserves: 146412 TRY
Main Resources: Cattle, Fruits and Deer (As of Now)

ePoland's Rank: 8th (10000 citizens)
Reserves: 153541 PLN ( With 98% GOLD left in Central Anatolia)
Main Resources: They have everything...

eSerbia's Rank: 4th (14000 citizens)
Reserves: 39329 RSD ( With 97% GOLD left in Belgrade)
Main Resources: Everything...

Well this is certainly depressing for eTurkey as two of the major powers in Europe are ganging on Turkey, possibly taking up the resources which they (may) lack in, and target is obviously to gain control of gold mine. In terms of occupation, Turkey will most likely face a 20-30 day occupation by both Serbia and Poland as they squander the gold mine there.( Maybe both powers will even fight over it?)

All the best to Turkey, and hopefully withstand the attacks!

Thanks for reading/browsing through my analysis!