Alliances: Why they are the bare necessity of eRepublik.

Day 748, 07:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Theus Jackus
Note: The opinions in this article are entirely that of the writer and are not the opinions of any position or organisation that the author is associated with.

Hello there again people of Ireland. It was nice to see that my previous article was well received, sparking at least some debate among some citizens and garnering a fair amount of votes. I know it may seem to some that I'm beginning to sound like a broken record when it comes to the subject which I'm going to once again be writing about (and I apologise for being such an annoyance) but it would appear that the message still isn't getting through to the majority of Ireland and it certainly isn't getting through to the core of neutrals that still seem to be manifesting itself within the Oireachtas.

As we've seen today, the United Kingdom has once again taken the decision to attack the United States a battle which the attackers acknowledge that they can’t win, but they see it necessary to keep up British Citizens' interest in the game. Some may catagorise this move as dangerous, risky or one that is just asking for trouble. But the thing is the British suffer from an ailment that we the Irish suffer from as well, Economic Worthlessness. A quick skim through of the British Regions will show that they only possess a few Medium Regions and a single High Grain region in their capital London. In essence, they are one step up from us when it comes to invasion value (which is god awful as most know)

The British unlike us, however, take this knowledge and use it to their advantage. They know that they can invade the US and pretty much get away with it because it would be a stupid idea for the Americans to annex a country which it would take more money to capture than the actual value of the country itself. The US President Jewitt has vowed in his National Goals to invade the UK but I see this as a cheap ploy to garner more votes amongst the noob population (which was effective). I know that this may pretty much undermine the whole basis of my previous article but the fact is I was just presenting an unlikely scenario to show what options we have with regards to alliance and MPP's.

So what has the actions of our neighbour got anything to do with us, you may ask? Am I suggesting that we go on a fruitless expansion and invasion spree? No, I'm not because thankfully we have a much better alternative due to our calmer and more subdued population. This is because the British suffer from another condition that we also suffer from, mistaking this game for Real Life. We have the notion that Nothern Ireland is ours, they have the belief that they can restore the British Empire. The government doesn’t garner this thought but from my experience living there I can tell you the younger population certainly does (which I saw with the constant chants of "OMG INVADE IRELAND&quot😉

We have the much easier choice of simply signing an MPP with a country and fighting in any wars which it happens to be engaged with because thankfully we don’t have the imperialism bug. More or less, by joining an alliance we can combat this. We have many options on the table, Eden to our West, Phoenix to our East, the remnants of the old Peace littered around the globe all these options are possible. Of course there is an argument that the neutrals will always use, the concept of War Games. In an ideal world, I would be all for war games but even in the current ones we are seeing problems.

Thanks to our British neighbours the US for the most part will not be requiring our services of invading Rhode Island once every two days, as why would they want to possibly split their fighting base between two battles, one real and one fake. Even today, the US requested we retreat the battle due to the British Invasion. The war games for lack of a better word are unsustainable for us to meet our battle readiness and experience needs. And without these war games, how can we justify the massive embargo that are companies are facing? Sure, there are benefits and I think that the MoF should exploit these as soon as possible so we can do one thing. Stop the war games and make the decision once and for all to join an alliance.

Personally, I couldn't care less which alliance we join. Those of you out there will know that personally, I supported Peace GC since the North American campaign not because I enjoyed the imperialistic element of the invasion, but because it combated some of the boredom within eRepublik. I am willing to suspend this adoration if it means that Ireland can recover from a PTO which happened 16 months ago (it was the reason we never joined ATLANTIS) if it means that joining Eden is the better option.

Of course there are many arguments within the neutral core of eIreland that is holding us back from evolving and advancing within the world of eRepublik. The main one they employ is that there is a possibility of invasion if we join an alliance, but I can assert that there is no such thing due to arguments I have presented earlier in my article with reference to the United Kingdom. This lack of assertivness is losing us tons of players, not just from emigration but from lack of population retention in the younger community of players. I'm sure there are many people out there who would enjoy the quiet, political based community in Ireland, but the fact is the sheer majority simply aren't interested.

And it's not only affecting this band of citizens, it's also rendering our military useless. I'm sure by this time, many of you will have read Bryan O'Shea's article about the IDF's activity and while many are responding that the IDF is being overhauled with a so called "Master Plan", all we are doing is trimming the weeds to make them look pretty rather than tackling the roots. I don't blame the IDF for its lack of activity, there's really no purpose for them without any real motivation to do anything. And yes, organisations like OGD have made strides, but I feel without any government move that it’s all useless.

And yes you can call me what you like. An imperialist, a Peacebag but the only title which I would say accurately describes me is this, a realist. War is a vital component of eRepublik, one which drives economies and populations across the globe to unite as a nation and become part of one force. There will be those who attempt to write me off in the comments but I hope to god that at least one person will see some sense from this article

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Thanks for reading,
Theus Jackus