Alliance Showdown - Sirius vs. Asteria

Day 2,280, 11:16 Published in USA Peru by Hazelrah
The two new World Powers, Sirius and Asteria, have officially been announced.

Sirius Announcement - Sirius Charter

Asteria Announcement

Mishbili recently did a country to country damage comparison of alliance members HERE. It showed Asteria as the clear damage favorites.

In this article we look at a graphical comparison of each alliance's founding members' damage altogether. The picture is still bleak for Sirius, but interesting.

Round 1 : Fighters

Sirius Fighters - 7,237

Asteria Fighters - 10,514

Round 1 Winner = Asteria

Round 2 : Regions

Sirius Current Regions - 173

Asteria Current Regions - 142

Round 2 Winner = Sirius

Round 3 : Damage

Sirius Monthly Damage - 2.0*10^12

Asteria Monthly Damage - 2.9*10^12

Round 3 Winner = Asteria

Round 4 : Division Damage

Division 4

Division 3

Division 2

Division 1

Round 4 Winner = Asteria (Sweeps all 4 Divisions)

Overall Winner = Asteria by a score of 3 to 1.

Why so Sirius?