All that Congress Jazz

Day 1,588, 18:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Elle Roslin

Hey – it’s been a while. Time for a refresher on Congress etiquette:

A Guide to Congress

1. Our primary goal this month is getting all of our lovely pounds out of the country accounts and into the Bank of England. Congress members – keep the donations coming at a steady pace! Vote yes to any donation proposals that are going to the Bank of England or the Treasury.

2. Discuss, debate, reflect, and weep (copiously). Get on the eUK forums and talk about laws before voting on them. Don’t start law proposals before getting feedback on them. If it’s your first time in Congress you may be tempted to click all the shiny new buttons. Beware! Most of them aren’t that useful.

3. Vote. Don’t just sit around. You were elected to do a job, so vote on everything!

4. Get as much experience as possible. Ask questions. Talk to your peers and to the rest of the government.

5. Be accountable. Own up to your votes. Tell your party members what you voted for and why. They got you in, you owe it to them to be transparent.

6. Play nicely with others – keep the mudslinging to a minimum please children!


A reflection on the election from an ESO member.

Well, the results are in. We got the third highest number of Congressional seats (and we’re the 3rd biggest party….funny how that works). Congratulations to Rawdon, Rodney McKay, Lily Jayne Summers, and CheetahCurtis. Special mention to BigAnt who put in a ton of effort and lost out in a squeaker. You’ll get it next time big guy!

To everyone who ran, thank you for putting your name in. I know not many got in this time, but I strongly encourage you to run again next month. ESO has always had better Congress performances when more regions are at play, as we are blessed with so many wonderful and active members.

To all the people who voted – thank you. I know I am speaking for all the candidates when I say that we appreciate your continued support. Without you, ESO would be nothing.

Now to take a peek at some electoral data.

Looking at turnout, we see the following trends:
TUP: 135/367 = 37%
UKPP: 116/273 = 42%
ESO: 100/168 = 60%
UKRP: 35/151 = 23%
PCP: 32/83 = 39%

Vote Reductions
Emperor Richard Cranium lost a significant number of votes (7) in the final tally. We can only speculate as to why. Others may have lost some as well, but this was the only one where I noticed a striking difference, with the candidate falling from 13 votes to 6.

New players in Congress

Alfagrem has done a great job of summarizing this in his article. From ESO, we have Lily Summers and CheetahCurtis entering Congress for the first time. Other articles have stated that ESO has provided the ‘lowest experience’ candidates. This is a misnomer – we intentionally run and support younger candidates. It has always been our view that Congress is a great learning experience for new players (the 5 gold doesn’t hurt either!). From older players like Gambit8 and Lilitu, all the way down to CheetahCurtis and Lily today, we have a rich history of promoting newer players into Congress. Next month, it could be you!

Thanks for reading, I welcome all comments.

Let’s take advantage of having Congress this month guys and gals!
