All About V2

Day 893, 06:21 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

As many of the older players know, our time is coming to an end. v2 is right around the corner and many newer players have no idea what is about to happen.

With v2 comes some changes to the military and economic modules, as well as how our citizen interacts with the new world.

I'll be doing a quick overview of the changes to be made.

Your Citizen

We now have a full 24 hours to play with in eRepublik. We can use these 24 hours to work, study, train, sleep and relax.
We get to study at the library by just spending a couple of hours on a topic, we increase our skill on that topic. Working works the same way and you'll be paid per hour. We also have an entertainment center, where your citizen can kick back and relax.
A new feature is Happiness. Happiness affects everything, from productivity to attack strength. Happiness is drained by work, studying and training and gained by sleeping, food, houses and visiting the entertainment center.

The Economic Module

The economic module turns companies on their heads.
With the update Gift companies will cease to exist, weapons companies will be be split into 4 different companies, rifles, tanks, helicopters and artillery.
Diamonds, Wood and Iron will fall away. Stone and Titanium will be added. Houses will no longer be permanent, Defence systems and hospitals now have an area effect (more on this later) and there are new jobs availavble!

Companies are now able to customise their products, making them unique on the market. Companies are given a certain amount of customisation points depending on their quality level.
These points can be spent on certain aspects of the product, determining their longevity, potency, etc.

Jobs will be much more complex and some jobs are no longer bound to manufacturing or construction. Land workers will still be land workers though. Good news is that you will be able to distribute your current work skills into which ever job you would like to do.

The available jobs are:

1. Producer - creates the ingredients for food and the paper for travel tickets.

2. Marketing Managers - responsible for designing the packaging of food and travel tickets.

3. Carpenters work hard to build roofs for houses and hospitals.

4. Architects design layouts for houses and defense systems.

5. Project Managers establish itineraries for travel tickets, take care of the logistical requirements of hospitals and create project plans for defense systems.

6. Builders give us walls for our houses, hospitals and defense systems.

7. Engineers produce the barrels for rifles, tanks and artillery, and missiles for air units.

8. Mechanics forge the frame for the rifles, and the engines for the tanks, artillery and air units.

9. Fitters create the rifle butt for the rifles and the body of tanks, artillery and air units.

10. Technicians fulfill the hunger for ammunition for the rifles, tanks, artillery and air units.

11. Last, but not least, we have raw materials workers. They are the ones extracting the valuable resources, the only familiar job so far!

How these Jobs will affect the products:

1. Food has two product components: ingredients and packaging. Ingredients increase health, while the packaging increases happiness.

2. A Travel Ticket has three product components: paper, packaging and itinerary. The paper gives a health bonus and the packaging increases the traveler's happiness. The itinerary defines the moving distance.

3. A House consists of roof, layout and wall. The roof influences health, the layout influences happiness, and walls assure longer durability (days of usage).

4. A Hospital is made from three components: roof, walls and logistics. Roofs and walls work almost like they do for houses . Logistics determine the “area of effect”.

5. A Defense System has the following components: layout, walls and project plans. The layout gives defensive power to protect against enemies. Do not confuse it with the layout-happiness relation we have seen in houses. The walls have an impact on durability. Project plans do for defense systems what logistics does for hospitals, set the area of effect.

6. A Rifle has four components: rifle barrel, frame, rifle butt and ammunition. Rifle barrels determine the attack accuracy while the frame provides defensive capabilities, which make it harder for an enemy to hit you. The rifle butt is responsible for durability while the ammunition causes damage. If durability is totally "consumed", you will need a new rifle.

7. A Tank has four components: tank barrel, engine, body and ammunition. Resembling the rifle barrel, the tank barrel gives attack accuracy, the tank's body provides defense capabilities, the engine is responsible for durability and ammunition determines the damage of the tank.

8. Artillery is almost the same as tanks, except the only difference is that the barrel is called the “gun barrel.”

9. Helicopter is also identical to tanks with the only difference of “missiles” instead of “tank barrel”.

The raw materials that'll be used for products:
- Grain is used for food;
- Oil is used for travel tickets;
- Stone is used for houses, hospitals and defense systems;
- Titanium is used for rifles, tanks, artillery, helicopters.

Military Module

The linear way of fighting in battles is a thing of the past.
With the implementation of v2 battles will be more strategic, instead of the Click 5 times it is today.
The Admins will be doing away with the Wall and it will be replaced with an actual battle field, made up of hexagonal blocks.
Battles have also become more personal, instead of watching your damage scroll down the wall, getting lost between all the others, you'll now be fighting against the enemy in PvP (Player vs. Player)

With the addition of 4 weapons; rifles, tanks, helicopters and artillery, we've been put in an interesting situation, as the weapons follow the same principal as rock-paper-scissors, where rifle < tank < helicopter < artillery < rifle.
Strategy and tactics will be crucial in battles following v2 and I foresee countless of sleepless nights to come.

How battles will be fought

So lets say we've taken the fight to brazil and attacked north of brazil. You'll go to the battle much the same way you do now, but once you've arrived you'll be given the choice of which weapon to use.
Once you've selected your weapon you'll be able to choose where to deploy on the battle field. You can deploy on any unoccupied block or a block occupied by allies. The battles will be turn based so in your turn you'll be able to select a block to attack, and any attack/defence boosters you'd like to purchase. In your enemy's turn you can prepare for a counter-attack, by buying defence boosters. At the end of each turn the pvp battles will take place where you and your opponent will duke it out.
Battles will last 24 hours and overtime will also last 24 hours.
A battle is won when one side controls over 50% of the battle field and the block that the capital occupies after the 24 hours are up.
If these conditions aren't met the battle will go into overtime untill they have been met.

Disclaimer: Some of the info has been taken straight out of the eRepublik Insider. A big thank you to the admins for elightening us about v2.