Alfred Ball Unmasked

Day 713, 13:47 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Arthur Reynolds

Hello Austrians, today i serve up an offering of an interview with the conterversial party president of the NFA, Alfred Ball. Hopefully it will shed some light on him and his party. I would like to sincerly thank Alfred for undertaking this interview. Hope you enjoy it.


1. Tell me a bit about yourself?

I am from eGermany, I created PPD, to which none of the credits goes to me I name the success mostly on Letnix. On August 17th I moved to Florida and fought against PEACE GC, I am very proud for doing this and would like to extend a congratulations to the E/B it truly is a awesome sight to see you whole once again.

My Comment: Interesting, he fought against PEACE, then moved to a country that is a founding member of PEACE.

2.Recently the National Front only had 3 members, what do you put the rise in your member count down to?

It was actually 6, you are ill informed

My comment: I wasn’t informed I just seemed to remember that at one time the NF had only 3 members. I was hoping for an explanation.

Rangley told me that the reason why you have some many members , is that you recruited them in real life- is this correct?

A good deal is attributed to this yes, I adverted on strategy game forums that I belong too. But many others are actually people who joined out of their own will after reaching level 7 here in Austria.

My Comment: A very clever tactic, I might use it myself. The level 7n’s joining are probably down to the advertising.

4.What does your part, and yourself stand for?

We stand up for the greater good. Equality to citizens, and most of all making everything easier to live.

My Comment: What exactly is the “greater good”? Equality to citizens pretty much happens now. How can you make it “easier to live”? This is an online game not the real world; the same worries that apply in the real world(finding a house, interviews for jobs, going shopping ext). Ultimately living in eRepublik couldn’t get much easier.

5. Have you any pollicises or ideas , that you feel would benefit Austria?

Let me answer your question with a question, why would I have a party and not have a single idea or policy to help our country?

My Comment: Perhaps the question was a slightly unclear- I was hoping for the policies and ideas to be listed.

.As far as I know, the NF have no forum(there‘s none on the national forums); how can a party “ make decisions together” without a forum to discuss things?
We are all very active outside the game, most people I have MSN emails, AIM screen names, and X-Fire usernames. We are very well coordinated the last congressional elections proved it. I wish we could say the same for you.

My Comment: Alfred once more you have openly insulted another citizen, watch yourself, many people in Austria are noticing this and becoming increasingly frustrated. As a matter of fact, the PSP were well coordinated in the last congress elections, we gained 5 seats, not bad for a party with around 10 active members. We separated our candidates out across the regions well , the problem is that some people refuse to leave Styria. In addition we have the most active forum out of any of the political parties, were one of the smallest. We have made 3x the amount of posts are RWR(who have made the second highest number of posts).

7. Why don’t you have a forum?

The answer was answered in your previous question. But to clarify they are not needed

My Comment: Totally wrong, forums are needed, without them it would be difficult to propose laws and make agreements. It seems that you email your members about party ideas- instead of having to open twenty individual messages, wouldn’t it be easier to have it all on one page?

8.A “ Smart leader”- if you are a “smart leader” then why does your party lack structure? A cabinet is necessary to provide structure.

We have no need for a cabinet if everyone has a say. We all mostly agree on what we do, and if anything major is in plan we talk about it.

My Comment: A cabinet is not all about making decisions, for instance if you were to appoint a recruitment director they would try to recruit new members. A media director would write articles to promote the party. A congress director would coordinate the congress elections. All this takes a lot of weight of the PP’s shoulders. A cabinet is a good idea, all successful parties have one.

9.Are you pleased with the congress results; you gained 10 seats?
Yes, but due to our lack of structure as you stated above I do not know how we pulled this off it was a honest to god miracle. Or wait could it be we do have structure and organization? Hmmm...

My Comment: I didn’t mention organisation, I only spoke about a cabinet.

10. How many seats do you aim to gain at the next congress election?

We have bigger party so we will aim for much more.

My Comment: A number was what I was looking for.

11. With the presidential elections around the corner , will you be running yourself, supporting another party?
N.F.A. will not be running it's own candidate however we will back a president, however we are as of yet undecided on which party to back.

12. If you decide not to run yourself, or propose another member of your party, which party will you chose to support?

I.A. has not chosen it official candidate, and as far as I know there are no official candidates up yet period, so this question is a but premature.

My Comment: OIP , RWR, IA, if they run a candidate.

13. No one contested with you for the mantle of party president,; what do you think that shows about your leadership?

It shows that I am to be trusted among my party.

14. You give “jobs to noobs”. Exactly what did you mean by this; are you suggesting that the national front is full of noobs?

[Am I suggesting my party is full of noobs? Hmmm... by noobs I am referring to people who are new to the game and want a nice solid place to belong. What were you referring to by noob?

My Comment: In my RL country a noob is a rarely used word for a idiot.

15.What is your parties “appeal”?

Sex Appeal!

My Comment: Obviously Alfred wasn’t thinking when he said that his party had “appeal”, he clearly can’t explain what appeal his party has, as a result he gave a stupid answer. Perhaps he knows that they have no appeal.

16.The forums of Austria are not “dead”. Why did you say that?[

[Not many people post on there, and a new post is somewhat rare. So a few active members makes it a dead forum

My Comment: The forum is quite active, quite a few posts have already been made today. Who have only made 3 posts on the forums, implying that you rarely visit them, therefore you would not know how active they are.

What are your views on immigration? Personally I think that anyone should be allowed to have citizenship , because we need more citizens.

I agree, new citizens means more party members
My Comment: It also brings more members to rival parties. Is all NF the only thing that you are about?

18. How do you view PEACE?

[As of late I view them as imperialist and I condemn their acts of aggression towards Croatia.

My Comment: If they stuck to being a defensive alliance they would be great ,as it is they continue to be the aggressors, not the peaceful thing to do.

19. In say a month , were can the National Front be?

The top Party in Austria if things continue to go as is.

My Comment: Well that’s aiming high, you need 13 more members to leapfrog RWR.

A strange interview indeed.