Al Kazar for Congress!

Day 915, 23:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by Al Kazar

It is time for Congress elections again and I would like to ask you to vote for me once again as your representative in Congress.

Last term was my first term in Congress and I think I managed to achieve a fair amount in the interests of you the voter.

I have been active in the forums and actively voted for Congressional Proposals on your behalf and will do more of the same this term if you let me.

This past term we worked on drafting new rules for Congress so that we can better serve the people and I was honored to be asked to chair the committee responsible for this important task. We have already passed the new Congressional Procedures Act but still have 3 more bills to complete and I would also like to have the opportunity to take part in completing this process.

I am once again standing for election to Congress in North West Province under the banner of Independent Alternative, the No BS party. I would be honored to serve you once again so please Vote Al Kazar!