Akki Running for Reelection!

Day 441, 00:58 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

Hi, I hope many of you know me well enough that I can skip my boring introductions with my histories on it. I am current President of the eJapan, and I am officially announcing my hope for reelection here tonight. I do believe during next month, I will be able to continue to lead Japanese improvements, and continue to try to stabilize our country. With new influx of players here in Japan, I think this is a positive step toward well being of our nation in future. And I do very much hope that I am able to continue to take leadership role to continue to guide Japan into a direction, where we may have bright future.

To briefly introduce myself; I am successful businessmen and politician in Japan. I currently run and Continue to expand my companies, both AKU, and YaKuZa, to continue as the largest Private company within Japan. Also this will be my third term serving as the Party president of National Alliance Party, which I had lead, and continued to actively participate in Japanese politics, to bring it up to the largest and commanding party of Japan. With current 75 Members, it power is almost unmatched by other party of the country, and commands over 50% of the congress at the current time. I have continued to support Japan for all my life within erepublik, and continue to stay active to guide Japan into right direction.

To have successful leadership, you must have successful plan. I hope to present to entire Japan my current plans, which I hope to accomplish in next month, If I am reelected as president. Also everything may not work out, I do hope that I follow out some of the guide lines, and guide Japan in organized manners. Also some of the plans may change due to circumstances in the future; I do hope this will show the basic plans for next month.

Social Policy

eJapan is country filled with diverse population no doubt, but we all are here for common goal; to make ourselves successful, and to help the country, by helping yourself. And I do believe we do continue to expand our population with other thriving peoples, who wish to take life within Japan to create new life, or to take pride in it for future. For such friendly atmosphere to take place in such diverse world, we must have great respect for each other. A personal liberty is a must, and individual voice of the citizens is very important. Every citizen, new or old, must be represented and have their voices heard for such country to run in effective manners.

I also hope for our country to be very friendly to new citizen, player, or immigrants. I do hope our country can incorporate them into our lives, support them, and help them settle down in Japan, as fellow Japanese. All those new citizens are our new future, and it must be crucial for everyone, to help each other, and allow them to have the same representation power as all other citizens do. Although having of old and experienced players are great, we must also have our opportunity open to all, and those who hope and works o achieve it, must be awarded, when they do a good job, and perhaps the old guards must hand off the torch, to allow others to have opportunity as well. It is silly not to allow those who are part of our country to be deprived of right because they are new. Rather, they all have same right, and they must be respected.

However, I highly dislike cheaters, and I despite them for ruining our lands for the future generations and future immigrants, who wish to join us to make a difference. We must do our best to fight off such cheaters, and help ourselves, and others, who may not be part of our country to help spread the idea of liberty and voice of the people and help them achieve their liberty and freedom from corrupting hands, when they require help. To help those who are struggling to create free, democratic, and opportunity filled government and country, and to take leadership role within Asia to spread such ideas.

Political Policy

The mass reorganization of the government which was done last month was fairly positive, and It was met with some success. Although it was not perfect, and I do plan to edit, and fix some of those sections that did not work well as planned, or had went completely inactive, or was left with no task. Also, some of the people within the position may have not been the most skilled person fit for the job. Thus for this month, Also I do hope to keep many of the portion of the Cabinet, I do plan to cut, and get rid or merge some of the positions to perfect it, so that it is running well. Also, If you are current Cabinet member, or those who currently wish a position, Please contact me again. If the current Cabinet member in certain position is found to be not reliable, inactive, or empty, those positions will be open to any that is capable. For current Cabinet members, please if you do wish to prove that you are capable, message me, and try to reassure me that you are doing your job well and efficiently. I do not plan to have person who is unfit, or incapable for the position to stay and continue to hold power within Cabinet, and to represent people of Japan. Rather, they will be removed, and replaced with others, if they are found unfit.

Some of the positions were removed and combined with the other position, to have more effective and smaller organized government. There are few Cabinet positions that are facing some revisions, please Check the new list of the positions below…

-Vice President: Helps President with any tasks he need help with, and assists in organization of the cabinet, and the congress. When President is not available, he is second in command, and is expected to be able to take a leadership role within Japan. He will also serve as the greatest advisor to president.

-Secretary of Treasury: Leads and runs government finance, and advice President on future economic policy. He will plan out future possible government spending and possible government financial related plans. He will also run and monitor the companies within the NBJ, and to help improve the economical side of Japan.

-Secretary of State: Leads and runs the foreign relationship for eJapan. Also, helps any other work which president requires help with. Also, he will help president with the future diplomatic policy of Japan and the future engagement of Japan in the world conflicts or problems.

-Secretary of Defense: Handles military Planning, coordinate with general and President to work for national security of eJapan. Also Plans for the future involvement of Japan in the military and organize and maintain the army and leads them. This will be a two man led position, with both working to provide a safer Japan.

-Secretary of Interior: Deals with developing the buildings and providing general welfares within Japan. These include hospitals, defense system, gifting, labour, and etc. Also, He will educate younger citizens about life in erepublik, and help them achieve success within Japan, and within erepublik. He will help new citizens to social, economical, and political life of erepublik.

-Secretary of Communication: Helps the media sector of Japan, and also checks foreign media, and other advertisements, which Japan may wish to partake in future. Also, works with any questions which Japanese citizens may want answer for. Also, he will help make sure that Japan is running fair, and there is no corruption within the government. Furthermore, he is expected to keep close eye on foreign media, and to search for any news which may concern Japan. He will also advertize Japan in other countries, and encourage immigration, and to help immigrants finds its way to Japan, or to encourage them to move to Japan.

Economical Policy

Last month, We had seem some high tax policy to encourage some money flow into the government, when the government was on the eve of going bankrupt, and running out of money. However, some safety measures, and generous urgent congress assistance on some gold to our treasury, our governmental treasury is looking healthier right now. The money that is lost is still gone, and it will not be back for while. However, why should individual citizens of our country we all love, must suffer to pay the loss of our money within the treasury, which was stolen due to the carelessness of the past administration before me? Now that our treasury supply is on the stable side, the tax must be lowered, and government must be repelled significantly from the market, to allow the private business to do its job, and to continue to stable it with the rule of competition, and by the natural force of the market. There is no need for government to involve itself in market more than we need to. In fact sometime, government intervention will work more negatively than positive. Thus, I Hope to remove government grip within economy next month, and to loosen government influence within the market.

Here are my suggested tax rates for next month....

Moving tickets: 3% 50% 5%
Gift: 2% 20% 3%
Foo😛 2% 99% 3%
Weapon: 5% 15% 5%
grain: 1% 99%
diamonds: 1% 3%
iron: 1% 3%
oil: 1% 3%
woo😛 1% 3%
house: 3% 30% 10%
hospital: 1% 1% 1%
defense system: 1% 1% 1%

I believe these taxes will return Japan into much normality, and allow for pro-longed business, and the small one, to thrive more, while lowering the price of many goods within the Japanese market. I do hope for continued minimal wage set at 1 yen, and hope these taxes will be low enough for both consumers, and for the business to thrive.

Also, I do hope to use the new gained congress donated money for a good cause. One of which that I am thinking and planning right now, is a grant and loan system for food companies of Japan. Stabilizing of the food market will be one of the important goals for this month. We have too much instability within the food market. His grant in the current plan will only be available to the Q1 food company of Japan which is active, and is owned by an active Japanese citizen, who does not have large business. This grant money will be sent and some contacts will be signed agreeing that the money donated this way will be used to improve the quality of the food to Q2. We have too many Q1 foods that we do not often consume, thus I hope this scheme will increase the number of Q2 Company, and cause those private small companies to be more productive, and profitable. The current amount which I am considering is a grant of somewhere between 5-10 Golds. With the current plan, It will be only open to those Q1 food companies, which have enough gold to immediately upgrade the company, if the grant is given. Another plan is the making is a small loan system to support the license to other countries. Again for this, I am looking to somewhere between 5-10 Gold loan, which must be paid back. With the current outline being made, this offer will only be open to those companies which are small, and currently lack any trading license. It will not be open to bigger businesses. The final plan for this isn’t still made yet, but soon I should have it ready to accept such companies in need.

Diplomatic Policy

We must improve the relationship Japan hold with other bigger countries which surround us if we are to have any power of our own. Indonesia is one of the countries which Japan must continue to befriend with, which are on the same PEACE as us, and is most beneficial for us to maintain. I think relations with Thailand May be one great one to think for because I believe Thailand and Japan could be great partners in future, as our two countries have so many things that are similar. However, recently I am not seeing much activity from Thailand, so this may not be the case. Relations with USA can definitely be considered, and I believe this will be very beneficial one too, considering the fact that USA and Japan is neighbor, and USA and Japan never truly held grudge against each other. In fact, Japan have quite a lot of eUSA immigrants here, and it may be beneficial for both Japan and USA to start positive relations, so both country can have more of such friendly immigration, or intercultural mix in the future.

The question of Atlantis and PEACE still remains. I for one believe it may still be benefitial for Japan to stay within PEACE, and continue our support as long as we agree with the policy and methods of the PEACE. However, I will always consider Japan over Peace, and If Peace ever becomes something which is bad for Japan, I will not be scared to leave from it. I see these alliances in mutual benefiting ways. I believe it is good idea to stay in peace as long as there is set benefit, to Both Japan and Peace. However, when the benefit disappears, or PEACE becomes something which we, the People of Japan cannot tolerate, then we must leave. I do not think neither Atlantis nor Peace is good. Though I do not think they are bad either. I see them Just as alliance, and if they are working, great. If not, then we need Plan B.

As for our Asian neighbors, I do hope to continue to help them become free, or to set up stable government. It is my hope that Japan is able to help Korea achieve free and independent country which will become good friend, and neighbor to Japan. From the Party era, I have been support of free, capitalistic and democratic Korea. And since America had done its job to remove cheater (Father), and their supporters from power, now such democratic and free government can be achieved. From the time new Korean congress had become into power, I had been aiding Korea through food donation, and personal support for the new free government. I plan to continue my policy of helping our great neighbor, Korea achieve their stability and try to guide them to become free, and democratic like we are in Japan. I plan to continue my aid to Korea, while they still suffer the after affect of Party, and Hope to create peace, and mutually benefiting agree between Korea and Japan to create future positive, and mutually beneficial ties with Our neighbor, and to become great friend with them. I hope some of the Korean problems can be solved through peaceful and diplomatic ways, and hope Korea and Japan will remain good friend in the future.

Also, I hope we can help our Chinese friends as well. I hope Japan is able to take leadership role in Future of east Asia, and to support the freedom of our fellow neighbors, and assist them achieve free, and independent country, which they can enjoy the taste of liberty. I hope We can spread Japan like freedom and independence to those regions conquered, or was over taken by foreigners, to also maintain the future stability of our region.

Thank you for reading this message. I hope you will allow me to have another opportunity to have second term as president of Japan. I hope to continue to lead Japan achieve more, and to grow. I think I can do well as president at the current time, and to finish what I had started this month to complete the Japanese reconstruction, and to advance into our future.

PS: I would like to thank both NPJ and JLP for their support, and especially GLaDOS, Who had chose to support me, even though the election was unfairly taken away from him due to real life. GLaDOS was a magnanimous character within Japan, and I eagerly await his return, and hope he will indeed return to Japan.