Akki: He Helped South Korea; Let's Help Him.

Day 652, 22:48 Published in Japan Poland by Parrot

Hello. I'm Parrot, former congressman and president of South Korea. When the nation was still young and developing we had a monetary crisis; there was no KRW so no one could pay workers and thus no food could be created. I set up a method of currency distribution that provided businesses with the money that let people work. I also gave the citizens money who did not get jobs so they could afford food. After doing this, I continued to do what I felt right to keep South Korea on its feet, which included ousting a totalitarian regime that raised the income tax to 50% and minimum wage to 40 KRW, and then used the taxed funds to fund their own private business.

So, if anything, I felt like I've done a lot for South Korea and made it possible for a community of us to exist today.

However, now, we face a presidential election. And, while I myself am not native to Japan, I will be voting for Akki. When I was in South Korea and fighting against totalitarianism, Akki was there, supporting me in the fight against them. He defended me when everyone else in the country was brainwashed to despite me for objecting to the regime.

Furthermore, when we kicked the regime, he provided food to give out to the starving and had his people export food to us as all our businesses were out of whack due to the repressive laws. He put himself out there, needlessly, to help us.

Akki is a good man. He's helped South Korea in the past, and if my presidency had continued longer than before, I would have discussed freedom of Korean regions and MPPs with him, if possible.

I'm going to be voting for Akki in the election. Akki helped South Korea in our time of crisis. Now that we can repay him, let us do so.

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