Ajay out, America in

Day 1,031, 15:00 Published in USA USA by CaptJustice

Last nights results are in and it would appear that our ATO efforts have been 100% successful here in the US. This is a great feat, keeping our nation safe once again from the efforts of PTO's by Phoenix, and PTO's from Ajay whom to my knowledge even Phoenix doesn't like.

Thank you to Rod Damon and all those from the ATO effort who made it happen. The races were close enough that without this work, no doubt at least one party would have fallen. Also thank you to all the congressmen who showed up to approve citizenship requests and aid where needed, they put on quite a show.

Above, right to left: Claire Littleton, a US ATO agent, and Pizza the Hut

With That Said

We are not in the clear. Our nation will continue to be targeted by foreign enemies and domestic terrorists alike. We must be vigilant and maintain this dedication so we continue to be free.

We have also lost some major political battles in Allied countries. In Australia, Corey Blake lost his race for PP of the Australian National Party to Indonesian PTO Congressman Ekrem Chehab, this morning it was renamed to "Apel Nanas Pisang", or Apple Pineapple Banana in Malay. This of course does not bode well for liberating our Bro Down Under.

A major political party in Japan, the eSoS Brigade, was taken over leaving Japan open to a full blown PTO effort in the congressional elections to come. This is a major threat to a nation who is up to now completely under domestic control, and we must keep it that way.

Parties were also lost in recently-liberated Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This is a warning. Any nation can fall under the threat of foreign political take over, and our efforts must never weaken in the race to keep up with the enemy agents, bots, and multi's that will do their best to win by any means necessary.

Congratulations once more to Fionia from the USWP, Rainy Sunday from SEES, Justin McCravok from the UIP, Indrae from the ADTP, Greene12 from the Feds, and last but certainly not least Claire Littleton from the yet-to-be-named ex-Conservative Party (currently the Not a Pizza Party).

A special thank you to Claire for kicking Ajay out of office, though i've become slightly addicted to the taste of his tears so we might need to keep it up.

And as always:
