Ajay Bruno viciously attacks Frank Furglar and New Inaugural Issue

Day 651, 21:49 Published in South Africa Israel by Amun Nefer

Hi all! 😃

I would like to announce the rechristening of my newspaper as a news source for former eMericans who have become a part of the great reborn nation of eSouth Africa. I promise maybe one or two articles a week, I'm new at this whole paper thing so positive critiques are very much welcome. 🙂

President Ines Schumacher, the Legendary Leader of the eSouth Africans and President of the new eSouth Africa announced she was stepping down two days ago. Her struggles shall go down in eHistory as those of someone who was tough and cared about others being able to have a great deal of fun, holding her people together, spending countless hours working with eBrazil and eIndonesia to release the nation, and helping to keep the country from falling apart in its first month. Like Cincinnatus and George Washington she has stepped down after leading her country back into the light. eSouth Africa won't forget your struggles Ines, and although you've heard it a thousand times, let me say it once more, thank you.

Now the unpleasant stuff...

Earlier yesterday, our most unwelcome resident, Ajay Bruno while ranting about a temporary tax increase said this about Frank Furglar: "Frank, you are not a member of Congress, so no one cares about your socialist proposals. Given your sick personal activities... we know how moral they would be."


Do we really want this sort of person in our government? Causing all these bad feelings, criticising but never adding anything to the discussion, and now that he has some power, to the government he is a member of? Even worse, launching rude and uncalled for personal attacks based on his RL beliefs? I know I don't, I know the eSouth African government doesn't, and I'm pretty sure you don't either.

When the Party President elections come around, please join myself, Geno Geron and the eSouth Africans in demonstrating the will of the people against Ajay. When that's done, let's toss him out of his Congressional Office. It's the right thing to do for eSouth Africa and the eWorld.