Ajay Bruno's First Days as a PP: How do you grade him?

Day 611, 16:23 Published in USA USA by Angelini

I give him an unquestionable failing grade. If I was going by the letter system where an A is the best grade and an E is the worse, He lies in the D letter range. Why? Well, Ajay will tell you that it's because I'm a radical liberal and one of Mattoze's cronies and I'm just out to get him.

But this is not true.

I will start off by saying that that it is very true that his party's numbers have grown explosively. That is the only reason he has gotten a D and not an E. But I am not looking at just party numbers. I am looking at policy. Ajay has proven that he has unethical policies and I am personally disappointed in anyone that honestly supports him in his endeavor.

He has two public policies so far. These are related to recruiting and congressional candidates.

First, I will address recruiting. Recruiting is an integral part of party life. You need new members to keep up with rival parties. Generally, recruiters try to stay away from members that have joined other parties. Ajay has admitted to sending a message to every member of the Conservative Party trying to get them to switch sides. He has also sent messages to members of the Libertarian Party as well. Sending messages to members of other parties is considered extremely rude and is a sure fire way to lose the goodwill of parties that you are trying to befriend.

Second, the topic of congressional candidates. It was pointed out on his party's forums that you need to be in a Top 5 party to run for congress. So he should be working on getting endorsements from other parties for the members that have expressed an interest in running. Instead, the advice Ajay Bruno himself gave to his members was: "Run under whoever doesn't have a candidate there. Just run ads and PM people and we'll help if it's close." Instead of asking other parties for their endorsement he plans on being underhanded and dishonest.

So far, two fails in two days. Things don't seem to be shaping up too well for Ajay's first attempt at leading. He may want to consider shaping up before another more qualified candidate seizes the chance to do a better job than him.

I know I for one would very much like to see where Ajay falls in the eyes of other citizens. Comment with your letter grade and/or an explanation of your reasoning.