AGW Contest

Day 727, 15:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by AGW and Co

AGW Members,

This is a reminder that out Recruitment Contest has started TODAY.

Here are the rules again:

The member who gets the most people to join the AGW wins. It's that simple. Just send me a message stating who you've invited, and I will keep track of it. The winner will get 12 Gold. I will increase that to 17 Gold (added incentive) if there is a lot of competition (Thank you again for the donation, Tenshibo).

The contest will start TODAY (DAY 727) and will last TWO WEEKS (DAY 741).

Just report to me, Tacointern, who you have invited/recruited, and I will keep track of the progress.

Remember to subscribe to this paper, as this will be our fastest way besides PMs that we can reach all of you. So vote, subscribe, and good luck.

I also have a second and third contest in mind, so be on the lookout for those as well.

Party President of the AGW
eSA Director of Mentorship