Agrarianz Party Alert!

Day 1,085, 10:02 Published in New Zealand USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet New Zealand,

I have viewed with concern and alarm the Commander of the New Zealand Defence Force's plans to takeover the Browncoats Party for his own nefarious ends for quite some time now. It was that same concern that drove me to form the Agrarianz Party as a counter to his wickedness.

Now, however, Kyle321n has expanded his power beyond simply being CO of the NZDF. Through subterfuge he has convinced President Calbe to also name him Minister of Defence, in essence becoming his own boss, and giving him free reign over our nation's military forces.

Not to be content with simple military power, Kyle321n duped President Calbe yet again by forcing Calbe to resign his post as Party President of the New Zealand Union Party, and pass it on to Kyle321n.

As you're well aware, the NZUP was a staunch supporter of the Agrarianz Party, assisting in multiple initiatives to provide our nation's farmers with the environment that would allow their crops to grow and prosper. The Agrarianz Party cannot accept this hostile manipulation of the nation's political systems, and has merged with the former NZUP leadership in exile to collectively reclaim the party from those who have stolen it.

Even now, Kyle321n mocks us with his renaming the NZUP into the 'Super Sweet 16 Party'. As you may be aware, a 'Super Sweet 16' is an American fetish whereupon young adolescent women are given enormous amounts of money, and told to waste it as frivolously as possible.

Is that what we want, New Zealand? Politicians wasting our tax dollars for their own amusement?
I think not.

Show your support for the Agrarianz Party by signing up to assist us as we reclaim the NZUP and prove that freedom will forever dominate over tyranny by signing up here,