Agrarianz Party

Day 1,080, 13:24 Published in New Zealand USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet New Zealand,

As Minister of Finance I have taken a long, considered look at the factors which shape our economy and it is manifest that as New Zealanders we are amongst one of the greatest farming societies of all time.

Our grain ripens thick on the stalk, the warm buds wafting in the breeze, in vast uninterrupted stretches of pristine farm land. Wild birds and game dine upon our hearty oats and grow fat, but it is of no matter to us, for the grain of New Zealand is plentiful beyond our need.

That is why, my dear Kiwis, I believe that the future success of New Zealand rests upon the continued development, harvest and distribution of our wonderful resource to all the people of the Earth. We as a people are the greatest farmers in all the world, able to produce more grain, more cheaply, than anyone else.

To ensure the continuation of our traditional way of life I, and others who share my views, have joined together to form the Agrarianz Party. Together we will till the fertile ground of our country's political landscape and raise a bumper crop of Congressional hopefuls, party leaders, and future Presidents.

If you wish to join with us then I ask that you support my party presidential campaign on the 15th of November, as we reveal to the world the might of the New Zealander farmer.

Necros Xiaoban