Against Minimum Wage Increase In eIreland

Day 504, 10:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by James Fallon

Famous quote of the day.....

Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?

Answer: “I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever,”

~ Miss Alabama’s Heather Whitestone in the 1994 Miss USA contest, who was later selected as Miss America 1995.

Hmm....interesting point on the minimum wage being increased to 3IEP(see debate forum).......but i'am not convinced by it am afraid.If private company's are setting up in eIreland,won't they surly just say away from 0 skill workers?Or worse yet just stay away all together?Or just start off hiring levels 2+?Most countries in Erepublik are a minimum of just 1,so why setup in eIreland?Ok....i'll admit the tax's are good compared to most places,but still.I myself own an Q1 oil company in Texas using mostly 0-1 skill workers, and have plans to set up a Moving ticket in eIreland using my own resources as supply....and thank god the USA does not have 3dollars as a minimum wage.The cause for such low wages is probably down to under-cutting by private company's to try and get people to work for them and driving down wages....the same happens in the market with the sellers....they try to better each other and drive the company to just barely make a profit or break even.....not sure of the solution to this at the moment.Anyway, ill watch and see how the 3IEP works out......but wont be setting up in eIreland just yet.

Ps.......I just released(well pointed out more like) that inflation will rise and cause the IEP to drop its value compared to gold.......and that is never good.Bring back 1IEP minimum wage.

James Fallon