Affordable Food for All!

Day 615, 09:52 Published in United Kingdom France by The Co-operative Group

Dear Friends,

Many of you have commented in the past that we, the politicians of the UK, should raise the minimum wage. You point to the high price of food, the struggle most citizens find themselves in juggling the cost of Q2 food with the cost of training and working each day. Many of you either sacrafice training to maintain wellness or slowly sink into the 40s and 30s.

Even once you're a bit older and earning, you find the cost of weapons and tickets prohibitive. Earning £2 a day is barely enough to maintain wellness, and not enough at higher wellness levels. As you rise through the ranks you find such a huge proportion of your income going on survival that there is nothing fun left in the game. Some of you persevere and reach higher income levels, get a house and are satisfied. But figures show the vast majority quit.

And thus we get back to the minimum wage. The problem with raising it is that doing so has a knock-on effect on the entire economy, driving up prices, discouraging people from hiring skill 0 workers and so on. Although I've never been fully convinced by these arguments, I am convinced that the congress would not vote to lift the minimum wage.

So what is the solution? Well in the end money represents VALUE. The value of a pound coin is now roughly one Q1 food, or half a Q2 food. It also represents a sixth of a Q1 weapon and a twelfth of a moving ticket. If we cannot increase the amount of coins you receive then the alternative is to change the VALUE of the coins you hold. Not against gold, but the real value to you.

People get so stuck up about the GBP-GOLD exchange rate they forget the basic principle of money, which is that money is only worth what the buyer can purchase for it. Our currency is overvalued, because our prices are so high. The real measure of a countries wealth is its consumer wealth. How much disposable income each ordinary citizen has to spend.

The truth of the matter is that until you can afford Q2 food you slowly lose health in this country. That is just silly- we're encouraging our members to become sick and slowly lose wellness. A lot of them just leave, we all know its true because our population dives every month or so as the admins cull the dead from amongst our ranks. Even active citizens in my region have less than 40 health.

So what do we do?

Capitalism has failed

Like in real life, people have gotten too greedy and forgotten their own roots as citizens of the UK. They have put their pockets first. The bread lines of hungry young citizens are ignored. The fact that weapons sales for a country our size are so low is put down to inactivity, rather than the truth- nobody young has the money to buy them!

Now I'm not a communist, and never have been. But simply brushing this under the carpet and pretending it never happened whilst our citizens starve is pathetic. We have to pull up our metaphorical trousers, get out our glasses and look at the hard facts.

As you can see the market cannot be trusted to maintain a fair price. Some GMs claim the price rises are to fund an increase in wages. But presuming wages are fairly standard they would have had to have more than doubled to have produced such a huge rise. The truth of it is that there is less competition, more demand, and they are allowing their pockets to speak for them.

In response, I ask our government to fulfil its pledge and introduce a nationalisation bill to parliament to end this crisis. Q2 food would be nationalised, and GMs in that field offered a fair price to be bought out and relocated into other industries. A price would be set for Q2 food at around £1-£1.10 and would be fixed there to ensure that even the youngest citizens can afford it as soon as possible.

If this pledge is not fulfilled then I will, with the help of others who support this good cause, attempt to effect the same cause by buying up and running the markets not-for-profit myself. This attitude of putting the wealthy before the people we are meant to serve cannot go on.

Yes wars are important.

But what makes a country strong? An active, healthy, interested population.

Make the step towards greatness, fix our food market today.


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