Aeriala, the smart choice for CPF PP

Day 1,026, 15:30 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Platform: Short and Sweet Version

Hard Work and Accessability, it says it all. I don't think there is a person in this party that has had more contact with our membership than me not for personal reasons but for general party interests beyond the actual official Blue Moose paper. I could probably say I am our most active congress member at the moment, I follow through when I'm elected. I'm not the biggest poster but I'm on the forums and irc more than anyone else and easy to get in contact with. As for the forums I followed through with 90% of the ideas given to me, this shows when anyone has a good idea I'm not afraid to follow through on it, I work with the members. Congress elections fall on a Satuarday this month, this works well for me as I can be availale throughout the entire process. I may not be able to write a comic but I can do the job. Aeriala for PP, it's a smart choice.