Aeriala, kickin ass in Ontario

Day 1,035, 19:10 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

It's time to kick some ass. Short and sweet ain't it. Long speeches not my style, I'm a doer not a talker, but with my first congress term under my belt you can guarentee on one thing, I was there, I did and I'll go back and kick ass again.

Now everything has more than one perspective so a natural question, is everything done obvious? We just went through a major scandel, mistrust is rampant, how do we know who to believe? You don't, I don't, nobody knows. We only have one friend here and it will be time, we will prevail through it and if we mistrust everyone nothing will ever get done. This brings me to my next point.

I stand by my record, I was active, I was there and as Rigour6 put it, I didn't lose my shit. This was a bad experience for eCanada not only because of the scandal but because People Lost Their Shit. It cost Canada alot because of that. Remember that it was as significant as anything else.

Anyway, utmost goals, get the justice system up and working, I started on that almost the second I got elected, I will continue. Immigration act, don't know why this is stalled but the abuses used in the last two months are disgusting, something will get done. Protection of our assets, definately. Moving the economy ahead, we need war to support our businesses hands down.

I'll call an end here as I hate to write too long and bore people, closing thought, Aeriala for congress in Ontario.

oh and